Sunday, September 17, 2023

Garfield nailed it...


They keep electing these idiots and they end up 
wondering what could have gone wrong?
If you're wondering what kind of sound an idiot makes, click on that screen cap and the Twit will open in a new tab. I wonder if when these people see themselves on TV if they realize just how fuckin' stupid they sound.

Hate to admit it took me a minute...


I'm thinking there's a percentage of our readers here who check us out at work during the week and skip us on weekends. 
There is a decernable dip in page view numbers on Saturday and Sunday - about 5%.

I wonder how universal this sentiment is. This study was done in Ireland and the UK, but I'm comfident it rings true here in the States as well. These social-media dipshits think LOL'ing on a meme or a tweet is communication of the highest order.


I couldn't find any substantiation for this claim one way or another, but I think it's emblematic of how people will accept this kinda factoid-ish crap with incredible blind faith. I certainly fall for it once in a while. We all do.

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Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
It's reasonably priced and includes free shipping!

Gleaned from - Newly discovered correspondence suggests that the second world war-era Pope Pius XII had detailed information from a trusted German Jesuit that up to 6,000 Jews and Poles were being gassed each day in German-occupied Poland. The documentation undercuts the Vatican’s argument that it couldn’t verify diplomatic reports of Nazi atrocities to denounce them.
The documentation from the Vatican archives, published this weekend in Italian daily Corriere della Sera, is likely to further fuel the debate about Pius’s legacy and his now-stalled beatification campaign.
Historians have long been divided about Pius’s record, with supporters insisting he used quiet diplomacy to save Jewish lives while critics say he remained silent as the Holocaust raged.
All well and good, but what the fuck could a guy who wears dresses and lives in a walled fortress do to convince Adolph and the rest of his twisted fuck friends to stop killing Jews? Why do people ponder shit like this? Not the least of which is the fact that this shit happened 80 years ago. WTF are ya gonna do about it now?
Given the chance to piss on somebody's grave, these dogs'll do it every time. It's friggin' crazy. Juss' sayin'...


Ya know what's sick? This was filmed 70 years ago. Yup - the year I was born.


An Italian winemaker fell into a vat of wine and drowned after trying to save a colleague who had become intoxicated by gases produced in the fermentation process.
Marco Bettolini, 47, reached for his 31-year-old colleague but having also been made dizzy from the fumes lost his balance. Both men fell into the vat at the Ca’ di Rajo winery in north-eastern Italy, but only Mr Bettolini died. The colleague, whose identity has not been released by police, was in hospital with serious injuries.
The accident shines a spotlight on Italy’s safety standards in food production. Last month, a cheesemaker was crushed to death after thousands of giant wheels of cheese fell on top of him in a warehouse. Wine making can be hazardous for the high levels of carbon dioxide and other gases produced during the fermentation process, which in high enough quantities can cause dizziness and fainting.



  1. It took Marco a very long time to die. He had to climb out of the wine vat 3 times to pee.

  2. On the wine vat thing, he didn't "become intoxicated". The only gas produced by fermentation is carbon dioxide, which as we all know is harmless and non-toxic. What happened was that the CO2 displaced the oxygen around him and he passed out from oxygen deprivation, which resembles intoxication as we've all seen from movies about divers ;-)

    You can't feel it coming on. As long as the lungs have some kind of gas to move in and out, you don't get feelings of suffocation.

  3. As far as a team environment goes, the only place I have ever seen it work well was in the military. In the civilian world the A type personalities tends to do most of the work. There was also the lazy one who was right up front when recognition was given.

  4. Re: The winery drowning: How long before I can break out the standard "He got out twice to piss" line?
    (Oh, come on; you were all thinkin' it.)

  5. You're stuck with me seven days a week.

  6. Presumably the Pope would have had some clout among German Catholics and weakened the German peoples' support for what was happening. It's a PR influence thing, not a "how many Panzer divisions does the Pope have" thing. And it has something to do with moral courage and standing up for the truth in the face of negative consequences.

  7. they realize just how fuckin' stupid they sound.
    They don't just Sound STEWPID. And I don't think for a second the obviousness of it all will ever sink in.

    I forgot how much I liked Gleason and Carney. That was fun. Thanks.

  8. It depends on your specific definition of lighter and match. As for the modern equivalent of both, the match came about 20 years before the lighter...if CIA-controlled Wikipedia claims. But early versions of both predate the modern versions by 400 plus years.

  9. By December 1942 every government in UN received a report from Polish underground about it. So everybody knew.

