Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Do hangover cures really work - and are they worth the effort? Don't asl me - I've never had one...


  1. This works for a hangover: A big dose of vitamin B12 and B complex with two full glasses of water. A bowl of well cooked butter grits and then more water. The more water the better.

    Things I have learned to avoid getting a hangover. Avoid beer as the CO2 is the main cause of headache. Especially draft beer. Avoid drinking more than a fifth of wine, don't mix red and white wines, or switch to/from wine to hard liquor or beer. Only drink good quality liquor and do not mix with carbonated drinks or sweeteners.

  2. Take two aspirin at night with lots of water before going to bed. Learned that from a priest in High School. And they know how to drink.

  3. Pure oxygen will work wonders for a hangover, one big breath!
    The water & aspirin before you crash is good if you can remember.

  4. In Australia, we just get up and start drinking again. Works a treat!

  5. the Bolivian Fricas'e would be my go to.

  6. Ya gotta tough your way through it. Half gallon of water, a bowl of cigarettes during flight briefing and a candy bar on climb out.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...