Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Biden can't give your money away fast enough. Jeez - isn't this guy heading for jail any time soon?

DailyMail.com - Joe Biden pledged that the U.S would remain the 'largest single country donor' of humanitarian assistance and vowed to help 'climate proof' the world in his address to United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday. His calls come as Republicans in Washington and on the campaign trail say they'd trim international aid budgets, as Nikki Haley has, and throw climate cautions to the wind, as Vivek Ramaswamy suggested at the first GOP debate.

At some point somebody somewhere has to realize we have more than enough problems right here in our own country. We need leadership that will stop borrowing to give away to people who couldn't give a fuck about us if we weren't throwing money at them. 
Let them solve their own fuckin' problems. 
Enough already...


  1. and here is just one more reason why I don't think we going to have a "election " in 2024. they going to crash the dollar. and beside giving it away as SS money to anyone who never paid into it. illegals get 2200 as a rule
    and people who paid into it average what 12-1400 per month. they either hoping for a civil war or one with Russia.
    maybe both, stupid fuckers. face it, we are going down the drain with these assholes in charge.
    just remember that after the fall, hunting season will be open on them. dave in pa.

    1. https://wltreport.com/2023/09/17/top-mil-colonel-i-think-banks-are-going/
      We've seen Bank Holidays in other countries. It never goes well for the people. They have Told us they want digital money and 15 minute cities. Who failed to grasp the significance of the Georgia Guidestones being damaged by a backpack bomb,the bomber of Course just totally got away with it, and instead of bolstering that monument to elite and saving it, it was Gone in under two days? It stated that they want to limit Global population to 500 million. How they managed to get people to pretend a man can be a woman by getting a purse and a dress and people who are apparently not idiots stand and defend that absurdity with a straight face, I'll never understand. I agree with your belief that it's all going down, and that it's intentional, but the Open Season thing, I just don't see it. THEY, the unelected drivers of the chaos and destruction, aren't even known, for the most part. It's the Bilderberg group and people who aren't out at Wal-Mart. It's going to get uglier and the results of the Ohh No, another food processing plant burned down, it's all going to have us scrambling just to stay alive. I'm concerned that the People will be attacking each other trying to take what little they have.
      We're just So screwed,IF They decide to crash it. If They decide to allow it to keep on, then we get the fifteen minute cities and digital currency and more manufactured health threats and the soft kill Jabs that have already shown us they will use. So there is a short term path and a longer term path They can take us down. But taking us down is the only End Result that makes sense. The trajectory is and has been pointing that way for decades.

    2. If the US goes tits up, then the rest of the world will follow. Just like it did when the 1929 crash did.
      That led to WWII, hopefully this next crash does not lead us into WWIII. It would take a long time to recover from WWIII. If at all.

  2. Maui needs to withdraw from the Union and declare war on America, surrender and get rebuilt. Unless $700.00 goes a lot further than I have been thinking.
    It's not just stupid, borrowing money from the federal reserve, just to ship Billyuns to people who steal some,kick some back, and only the corrupt politicians and military industrial complex benefit, it's destroying our country.
    Some days I start thinking the whole thing is Designed to screw US.
    YaKnow, when everything they do comes with those " Unintended Consequences "which were Not in any way Unforeseeable, and Every Single Time, it screws us,I start thinking it Is all intentional..

  3. No chance of a free and fair election in 2024....the dems know they're out and will take steps to insure the re-installation of biden so harris can take over when he drops dead or resigns....biden is a complete and total shithead, the scourge of this country....always has been, always will be....he is evidence that the devil is truly in charge....wanna' save the country?...kill all the democrats...that might at least slow down the inevitable....

  4. The Pedophile In Chief throws our tax money away with one hand while stuffing Hunter's extortion money into his pocket with the other hand.


The only joke I'll ever tell here...

A senior citizen drove his brand new Corvette convertible out of the dealership. Taking off down the road, he floored it to 80 mph, enjoying...