Monday, September 11, 2023

A somber day to be sure.

 Another infamous day many years ago...  

I brought this up just to jog your imagination a bit. Can you picture what Joe's reaction would be if something as heinous as Pearl Harbor or 9/11 happened on his watch? Try, because I came up blank.



While we're remembering that day, let's not forget other serious threats. It's hurricane season here. After Hurrican Irma hit us here in NoCentral Florida six years ago, our house was without power for six days. Barb and I had lived in the Virgin Islands before here and we were both trained professionals when it came to living without power. 
Number one on the list of shit you need going in to a storm is ice for when the power shits the bed, and a full tank of gas for the grill so you can cook shit off as it thaws. Cooked food lasts a whole lot longer than raw food. Juss' sayin'...




Following the attacks on the World Trade Center buildings in New York City that morning, a third plane crashed into the Pentagon at around 09:37, leaving no doubt the crashes were a coordinated attack. Following this third attack, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) National Operations Manager Ben Sliney - coincidentally on his first day on the job - initiated the emergency Security Control of Air Traffic and Air Navigation Aids (SCATANA) plan, which shut down US airspace immediately.

Planes already over US soil were permitted to land at the nearest feasible airport - however, those not yet inside US airspace would not be allowed entry. This presented a problem for aircraft already in the air. Those with enough fuel for a return journey were turned back, but almost 240 planes, carrying between 30,000 and 45,000 passengers, were past the point of no return and could not turn back. Canadian Transport Minister, David Collenette, ordered Canadian airspace to be shut down, too but would allow planes bound for the US to land on Canadian soil if they could not return.

Canadian authorities did not want aircraft landing in Toronto, Montreal, or Ottawa due to security concerns, as these airports were already busy. Halifax International Airport accepted a total of 47 planes, followed by Gander International Airport (pictured above, it took 38) and Vancouver International Airport took 34.







  1. Two things. Roosevelt knew of the attack on Pearl Harbor and allowed it to happen so he could get us into WWII. After 9/11 we were never united. There were leftists asking what we did to anger the muzzies that attacked us and blamed the US for the attacks. If Trump had been President then, they would have blamed him. Bush allowed likely ignored intelligence that warned of the terrorists intent and then allowed the Saudis who coordinated the attacks to flee back to their flea bag country.

  2. What about Trade Center building 7?

  3. Yeah, a bummer that our own government attacked us to usher in the "Patriot" Act and cover up CIA and Pentagon misdeeds. That is why building 7 had to be taken out, too.


Good Morning...