Wednesday, September 20, 2023

A sign of the times...

90 years ago. Can it happen again?


  1. It WILL happen again, only harder.

  2. "Can it happen again"?

    "I have a PhD in gender-based basket-weaving and have $250,000 in student debt. Looking for a six-figure job ".

  3. 100 million more people in the US today than there was 90 years ago...

  4. Can it? why yes and the ride has already started. Best buckle up buttercup its going to be a bumpy ride up until the next Residential selections.

  5. Bring it on I enjoy a challenge.

  6. yup. plan on it. the dollar will drop like a rock. now, here is the bad news. the people are nothing like those in the 1930's. today, they know nothing about growing or storing food for one thing. and today, most people are dumb as shit too. most don't have a clue what it means to work. but they do know how to take stuff. and most have no problem doing just that too. the same clowns fighting over a toaster on black Friday will kill you for a can of baked beans. get out of the cities now. even the burbs will not be safe from the starving hordes.
    then there is the illegals. they getting 2200 per month from the Gov't clown show. what will happen when that stops ? yup. a crime wave unlike anything we have seen before. maybe that is the plan ? dave in pa.


It's the light at night that's makin' you goofy...

We all know that people in power want to keep us in the dark about most everything, and now they have a sinister little research tool to mak...