Wednesday, August 9, 2023

What's the Tampa Mayor doing in the Keys? Square Grouper fishing...

This is a real 'Florida Woman' story... - Tampa mayor Jane Castor was fishing off the Florida Keys with her family when she reeled in something unexpected – 70 pounds of cocaine. While out on the boat in late July, Castor's brother saw what he thought was debris in the water, WTVT-TV in Tampa reported. "Thought it was shade as opposed to something shady, right?" Castor told the station this week.
"Closer we got, I was like, 'Oh, that would be a bail of cocaine,'" Castor told WTVT. Castor later told the Tampa Bay Times that she saved the location of the discovery on her watch and headed back to the family's vacation rental. When she got cell service again, Castor called the Monroe County Sheriff's Office.

The family lugged the packages onto the dock and waited for them to arrive. Walter Slosar, chief patrol agent with the Border Patrol's Miami sector, posted a picture of the cocaine on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. Slosar said the drugs have an estimated street value of $1.1 million.

Someone you know must have a birthday coming up. 
How about this for a gift idea?
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful handmade bracelet.


  1. I wonder how long before the mayor comes down with "somethng fatal".

  2. Clearly mayors are overpaid if they can hand 1.1m of cocaine over to the Border Patrole.


Confused about 'Climate change'? You should be, because it depends on where you live...

 It also depends on the phase of the moon, if you smoke filtered or non-filtered, or if you're male or female. In other words, it's ...