Thursday, August 10, 2023

Whatever it is that 'comes home to roost' is in NYC and it's roosting like a moth***ucker...

New York City's new Mayor Eric Adams issued 'a dire warning' to President Joe Biden, cautioning that the lack of federal funding to help the migrant crisis will eventually “decimate” the Big Apple — which serves as the “economic engine” of the country.

Read the full article here. As much as I hate to see it happening, I love to see this happening, if ya get my drift:


  1. Simple solution, Eric. Help enforce immigration laws instead of being a sanctuary city.

  2. But it was Just Fine when this was happening in the border states, wasn't it Eric?

  3. Start by shipping every illegal immegrant to Delaware. The people of Delaware need to be severly punished for joe biden.

  4. Sanctuary city right? Hippocrate .

  5. NYC was a shit hole before this...
