Friday, August 4, 2023

Well, they did elect Newsome, didn't they? What do you expect from them?

If you needed any more confirmation that most of the people in California are true idiots (not our readers, of course), this should be it. Who in their right minds would wanna pay that much to be a guinea pig for this kinda Frankenstein shit? 
Read the article - you'll se for yourself:

Someone you know a cat lover maybe?
How about this for a gift idea?
Click on the picture for more information on these earrings.

1 comment:

  1. "Who in their right minds" would eat this slop, you ask? Why the very people that want to make billions in profits from it's very success, that's who! They're the ones that have the "business" expense accounts that really pays for it- not them, they're not buying anything!
    As an aside, just look at how that fella Jobs usta live. Big time billionaire, couldn't even wear a frikken tie. These people are a different breed of "human". And speaking of "breed", how's London Breed doing, running 'Frisco into the ground, and all?


Wishful thinking on Calvin's part...