Thursday, August 17, 2023

The usual suspects strike again. In California. Again...

The full article, with video of the attack, is here on the Post's website:


  1. When I read there were no charges filed against the 4 perps because the stomping victim refused to speak to police my give-damn shut down for the last time.

    Time to start raising walls and implement Coventry-style isolation.

  2. California?
    Fake news.
    Can't be.
    California is a socialist heaven where everybody gets along, even without singing kumbaya.

  3. Them again, Yogi?
    It's always them Booboo.

  4. Usual suspects....."Ohhh.....them again"....


The sad reality and the bitter truth, all in one panel...

  Saying that this election or that election was rigged just because your candidate didn't win is a friggin' cop out. It's a sad...