Monday, August 14, 2023

The first Biden impeachment shoe just fell...

New York Post - A Republican congressman from Florida unveiled articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden on Friday, alleging he was deeply tied to allegations and investigations surrounding his son Hunter.
Rep. Greg Steube, a member of the House’s far-right Freedom Caucus, alleged that Biden was complicit in his family members’ business machinations and took steps to protect them from the legal fallout. “It’s long past time to impeach Joe Biden,” Steube said in a statement. “The evidence continues to mount by the day – the Biden Crime Family has personally profited off Joe’s government positions through bribery, threats, and fraud.” 
The pot calling the kettle black...

“Joe Biden must not be allowed to continue to sit in the White House, selling out our country.” Steube laid out four articles of impeachment: abuse of power, obstruction of justice, fraud and financial involvement in drugs and prostitution.

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  1. This of course means that there will be an other indictment against Trump TOMORROW.
    (There's always at least a dozen waiting in the wings to keep CNN busy).

  2. Nothing will come of it.....if it did get through the house, the senate would stop it....and they'll just keep pointing to squirrels....
