Saturday, August 5, 2023

Start off with something that's supposed to be funny and it's all down hill from there. Or so they say..

This guy draws for the Newark, NJ Star Ledger - a VERY liberal big city paper. He's always angry about something, but this one? I don't even get it. WTF is wrong with these people? If it's red, that hate everything about it. So much for cooperation and understanding. And I still don't get this cartoon. Juss' sayin...



So this is a true story - I think...
There was this doctor guy who lived in my neighborhood when I was a kid and he had one of these goofy Aqua-Car things and he usta take it out on the lakes in Branch Brook Park on Sunday mornings. Well, one day he was out in the middle of the lake in front of Sacred Heart Cathedral with a coupla people and the fucking thing sank right out from under them. Water there was only about 20 feet deep and they were able to swim to shore without much problem, but ya know what? I never saw or heard anything about them ever getting that thing out of the water. For all I know, it may still be down there.

The infamous 'Case of the blue dress'. I bet 
that's what Monica Lewinsky thought too...

I was happy to see that they locked this jackass up yesterday after he started all that shit up in The City, but what the fuck is Twitch? Is that another social media bullshit platform just for the usual suspects? 
'Cause, honestly, if you look at the pictures from that mob scene, ain't one of 'em I could see ain't a usual suspect, if ya catch my drift...

Reason # 32 for why I never had kids.

That's subtle. I like subtle.


Except, of course, when we drive past a field fulla cows and then of course ya gotta yell 'MOO' out the car window like some kinda friggin' retard. 
There was a comedian back in the 80's named Rich Hall (I think) who usta do this bit he called 'sniglets' - words that didn't exist but should. He called that silly pasture behaviour 'Bovinitise' - the uncontrollable urge to yell 'moo' at cows.


Someone you know a cat lover maybe?
How about this for a gift idea?
Click on the picture for more information on these earrings.

And if this is legit, It'd be like dying and going straight to heaven. When I get done here I'm googlin' and Amazonin' the fuck outta this. We do a thing in the morning called 'Italian Toast' that's basically just a good, crusty Italian bread toasted with butter and peanut butter. This would take it up to four-star Michelin shit.


Russia can disable US-made Ukrainian missiles because 
some use GPS signals. Both sides are waging a battle to jam the electronics of missiles and other weapons. Russia's electronic warfare capability has evolved during the conflict. Maybe it's better for us that we're learning this shit now insteada when we ourselves need to be using this shit, if ya catch my drift...

And you wonder why I live in Florida...



  1. On the first one: it's not supposed to be funny to us, it's supposed to make a liberal have a snarky, down-your-nose-a t-the-ignorant-right-winger smirk. Clearly the message is that if we don't switch to electric then all the ice will melt as the planet boils. Clearly, this cartoonist isn't much of a scientist.

  2. Downwind of SeattleAugust 6, 2023 at 7:39 AM

    The current Military won't learn. There's more $$$$ to be tossed around for "smart" things than for simple "drop and let it go boom".


Another gift from our friends at Twisted Hillbilly...

Normally, I don't like posting the ones with watermarks, but I'll  make this exception 'cause she's so godwaful friggin'...