Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Reason number 89.5 why NPR is worthless.

This afternoon I switched on NPR when a commercial came on the station 
I was listening to in the truck. This is what I heard them talking about...
The show 'All Things Considered' was doing a report on these people. Women who dress as men and 'perform' in public. Although I couldn't listen for more than two minutes before my brain exploded, a little research told me that it was a 20-minute segment. It took me longer than that to scrape my brain parts off the roof of the truck.
I've railed before about how 'leftist' and how uber-liberal their programming is, but this, I guess, was my absolute tipping point. Their glorification of alternate lifestyles is just too much for me to understand anymore. Their game and quiz shows on the weekends used to be enjoyable, going back to the original 'This is the week that was' a long time ago. Nowadays, all they do is make fun of anyone or anything that isn't leftie-leaning. If DJT fell over dead tomorrow, they'd still be making bad jokes about him 10 years from now. 

Every game show panel has to have at least one if not all LBGTXYZ'ers, none of whom are either remotely funny or entertaining. 
I'm not anti-gay or anything remotely like it, I'm just sick of having that lifestyle jammed down my friggin' throat (No pun intended, either) at every turn.
I just quit. I'll never send them another dime ever again, nor will I ever listen again for any reason. I'm fuckin' done. Tell me you don't agree...

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  1. I agree,that said,reached that moment many decades ago(Waco coverage).

    I say better late then never,welcome to the club,tis much larger then you think.

  2. I ordered a braclet for my child and the stupid order dept think SHE ordered it. Pisses me off.

    1. Sorry for the confusion. Does she still like It?

  3. I quit listening 4 or 5 years back when they went from family friendly to glorifying sexual deviants.

  4. I used to play "The NPR Game" whenever I got into my car. That is- see how long they could go without mentioning one of their pet agenda buzz words. As soon as they did, I had to change the station. I finally quit playing when it got down to about 45 seconds on average. Yes, I'm serious.

  5. I used to regularly listen to NPR on my way to work. Full disclosure, I have never voted for Trump. I finally had to turn NPR off due to their constant Trump Derangement Syndrome. The people on NPR were just unhinged.

  6. Used to like to listen to All things considered on the road.....that was several years ago now....I haven't yet figured out why we are funding a communist themed radio station....are the fucking Republicans deaf, blind, and stupid?...don't answer that....


I still have more 'Archie out of context'...

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