Thursday, August 10, 2023

Lahaina ain't what it usta be. So sad...

The devastating wildfires on Maui have claimed at least 36 lives, the Mayor has confirmed, with a historic Hawaiian town nearly 'wiped off the map' as whole communities have been 'decimated'. The number has shot up from Mayor Richard Bissen's earlier announcement of six deaths. At the time, he said 271 buildings had been torched - a number which could rise further - with the fires already causing multi-billion dollar damage. Authorities are struggling to shelter the hundreds of locals and tourists who have been displaced - while President Biden issued federal aid and sent Black Hawks to help douse the unrelenting flames that are fueled by intense winds near Hawaii.

Don't sweat the short ad at the beginning. The video has a lot 
of pictures of what the town looked like before the fires...

Someone you know must have a birthday coming up. 
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  1. Never mind that; is the Obama House okay?

  2. Brought back a lot of wife and I honeymooned in Maui in 2007 in a condo just north of Lahaina....what a of the most peaceful places I ever visited...


A typical (or is it?) conversation about 'higher powers' on Fakebook...

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