Tuesday, August 1, 2023

I guess Canada doesn't need the tax money...

Individual cigarettes in Canada will now carry warnings such as “poison in every puff” and “cigarettes cause impotence” in what the government says is an effort to make it “virtually impossible to avoid health warnings altogether”. The measure, the first of its kind in the world, is part of a sweeping set of new tobacco regulations coming into effect on Tuesday that will see tight controls phased in over the next two years.
“Tobacco use continues to kill 48,000 Canadians each year. We are taking action by being the first country in the world to label individual cigarettes with health warning messages,” said Carolyn Bennett, who was minister of mental health and addictions when the rules were first announced. (Bennett was shuffled out of cabinet last week after announcing her departure from federal politics.)
The rest of the article is here:


  1. i believe that medical errors and out incompetence kills far more. and the covid vaccine also killed a lot more.

  2. Now all we need is a similar warning on ballots: "voting for socialism will F you up BIG TIME".

  3. "Cigarettes cause impotence""

    Nicotine boosts testosterone. An uncomfortable but true fact that the health Nazis' know, but keep quiet about.

  4. Yet the Canadian federal government still subsidizes Canadian tobacco farmers. Stupid, isn't it?

  5. And yet the Canadians use paraformaldhyde in their maple taps to increase sap production ... which is outlawed in Vermont, their main competitor. Vermont syrup also has a legally required higher sugar content than Canadian syrup.

    So Canadians are only concerned about toxic chemicals when it benefits them. I bet they don't grow much tobacco.

  6. Anybody ever notice how much Trudeau looks like Fidel Castro?....Coincidence?...I think not.....ol' Maggie was a slut of the first order....

  7. One would think government officials would be smart enough to consider the poisons and carcinogens added by inked warnings. But then, they are government ...
