Wednesday, August 9, 2023

How do they tie their shoes - or is that why they're all wearing slip-ons?

No wonder the Boy Scouts are going out of business. It's amazing how many things we take for granted that they have no clue about. 
Case in point? How about this stupidity:

I'm just getting nostalgic for simpler times, I guess. Simpler, in the sense tha the times were a little more complicated and a bit more difficult when we were growing up, if ya get my drift. Seems like nobody has to do anything anymore - even down to this self-driving car bullshit - which, by the way, is almost certain to be how I'll meet my maker with one of these jerkoffs running me over while they're doing some fuckin' Wordle shit instead of paying attention. How's that for kharma?


I wonder if they'll ever figure out who this street artist really is...

It's the first week of August and the TV's in the bars have already gone over to fuckin' football as if baseball doesn't exist. I fuckin' HATE the NFL and everything to do with it. That's just me.
... had a feature today about how so many democrat politicians are switching from Dems to Repibs. Interesting insight in to the 'awakening' phenomenon of these pols. Find it by clicking on this cool graphic they did:

I may have posted this before but I'm a Barsotti fan so forgive me.

Perspective is everything. This is looking up at the Eiffel Tower

Because we're idiots, that's why...

If she gets a single fuckin' dime I'll give up completely on the civil court system. I'm sure all of her girlfriends probably won't be calling her to go out on Friday nights anymore either, What kinda jerkoff does shit like this? And fuck her lawyer, period...

My wife asked me if I wanted to go see the Barbie movie with her. 
I told her I had something I had to do first.

Someone you know a cat lover maybe?
How about this for a gift idea?
Click on the picture for more information on these earrings.
There are two pairs left, but 4 people have them in their carts.
First come first served as you know - ya snooze, ya lose...

Like I said - perspective is everything. This 
is the other side of The Price Is Right wheel.

I thought that had something to do with Peter Pan and fairies wearing tights and all that shit. Besides which, not having ever heard of it before, I had always thought that was what being 'Bi' was, so what the fuck do I know, right? 
Anyway, Isn't it amazing how quickly you can lose any and all interest in someone? I thought this guy might have been one of the better comedic minds to come along in a long, long time - in the vein of Robin Williams and Johnathan Winters - but now that he thinks it's somehow important that we know this stupidity, I couldn't give a fuck if he was on fire.
WTF is wrong with these people? Why would they ever think we give a fuck how fucked up they are? Juss' sayin'...

Did you know that when Mt. Etna in Sicily burps, it blows 
smoke rings? And you wonder why you read this blog...

He probably said that when he was 13 or 14, if ya get my drift.

If you ever thought climbing Mount Everest was a good idea, this is the waiting line at Khumbu Icefall. Can you imagine how much money these jerkoffs have to pay to do something as fucked up and stupid as this? Think about it - you start bullshitting with the dude sitting next to you at the bar and he starts going off on telling you about how he trekked the Him'll-lay yuz and all this shit. Tell me you don't go outside for a smoke and never go back to your seat...

This may be one of the saddest pictures I'll post here. The caption on the original pic said that these are cars that went unclaimed in the commuter parking lot at Giants Stadium in New Rutherford, NJ after the 9/11 attacks. That paints a truly sad image, doesn't it?




  1. I looked at the picture of the Eiffel Tower - and looked at it again.
    I'm so happy I'm not a proctologist.
    Go ahead! Get that one out of your mind.

  2. Regarding the Dem's who switched parties, I'll wait to see how they vote. Plenty of Republicans (RINO's) seem to always vote with the Democrats.
