Thursday, August 3, 2023

Don't forget - ole' Judgabooty is still employed...

New York Post - Despite stubbornly high inflation and a looming debt ceiling crisis, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is asking Congress for $20 million in his department’s proposed fiscal year 2024 budget — to develop female crash test dummies.
Specifically, dummies representing “small-sized adult females,” according to the DOT’s pitch for its “cutting-edge safety and accessibility research initiatives.” 
The project already has some support in Congress.
When Buttigieg appeared before a House Appropriations subcommittee Thursday to discuss his budget ask, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) commended him for “including the critical funding that would accelerate the development” of the distaff dummies
This will start to fight the gender inequity among vehicle safety and crash victims,” said DeLauro, making sure that everyone knew that “this is an area I’ve written to you about.”
The funds would also go toward research on vehicle design considerations “to improve accessibility for people with disabilities, and research on the effect of vehicle size and weight on pedestrian safety,” according to the DOT.
It's both maddening and frightening that these are the people setting policy and making laws for us to live by...



Can anything else possibly go wrong for these guys? It's 
almost impossible to believe they're still three games over .500. 
WTF is gonna turn this ship around?

This were a lot simpler back in the day. 
Juss' sayin'...

Every once in a while you run across a headline that's so funny 
in and of itself that there's no reason to ever have to read the article. 
File this one in the 'pot calling the kettle black' cabinet...




Someone you know a cat lover maybe?
How about this for a gift idea?
Click on the picture for more information on these earrings.
There are two pairs left, but 4 people have them in their carts.
First come first served as you know - ya snooze, ya lose...

The largest battleship ever built is also the longest 
serving and most decorated. She's headed for dry dock 
next month for some needed repairs.
I took my Father to see the ship about a year before he died. He was so overcome with emotion on seeing the ship again that he started crying almost the moment we boarded her. I can't imagine the flood of emotions he went through that day -  he had briefly served on her back in June of '43 before he was transferred to an LST and fought in the Battle of Leyte Gulf.

When I was a kid - say 12 or 13 or thereabouts, ashcans and 
M-80's went for .25 cents, cherry bombs for .15 cents and 
a pack of firecrackers was a dime.


Can you imagine being stuck on a ship in the middle of the ocean with a couple thousand geriatric 'Parrot Heads'? That idea scares me more than going to a Lizzo concert. 
If this kinda thing is something you might like, this deal is a 'today only' offer, so get on it if that's your idea of something to do. I'll be at the Legion Post if ya need me...

So - what do you like about living in Florida?





  1. Doesn't Buttplug know that "female" is a personal decision and not based on any silly and inconvenient intrusion of reality ?

    Biology is not destiny !!!!!
    ( And yes, I'm joking here . I know that nowadays, the most insane rantings can be construed as actual Woke beliefs. )

    And BTW - the USS New Jersey wasn't the biggest battleship ever built, the Japanese Yamatos hold that title - although the Iowas were slightly longer , the Yamatos were 20% heavier .

    1. My bad for not having a worldview period I was talking about the United States only.

    2. Well, they certainly are the largest battleships in the world that are still above water !

    3. As much as I despise Buttplug and as silly as this idea seems, if a female-form test dummy can help in the design of a shoulder belt that does not slide up and cut across women's windpipes (they ALL do, and the little adjustment levers do NOT help), I'm all for it. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then.

  2. Well, he already covered the battleship issue, above. Cool. But also, really, they are not called nudist colonies anymore. They are no more a colony than Los Angeles or New York City are colonies. Nobody that goes to one calls them that. Only people stuck in the 1960s and who have never been to one call them that. It's called a sun club now. See? News you can use. You're welcome....

  3. M-80's?!

    Kids toys!

    That age,we were using 1/4 and 1/2 sticks and for some miracle still have all me fingers/eyesight ect.!

    As we got older(young 20's)made some turned out to be almost too good stuff,yep,once was enough in sand pit to cure me of that!

    Again,a miracle no injuries to anyone.

  4. I look at Buttplug and I'm reminded of Pee-Wee Herman (may he rest in peace), but Pee-Wee, the character, was far brighter than Buttplug, though possibly not as funny..

  5. M80's......quarter stick of dynamite?...Amazing what one would do to a mailbox....or so I'm told....


Does this Dame have a Name?

Too easy to google. Dammit...