Friday, August 4, 2023

Dealing with important shit every day isn't easy, but somebody's gotta do it...

Ever day we're faced with hundreds, if not thousands of different, important issues. Deciding which are most important can be grueling...  

This was a no-brainer for me today...

I don't know if I've ever shown you guys my office.


Is Instagram a 'social media' website? I'm not so sure 
what it is, but it can be a major time killer.
I do know that there are more than a few really interesting sites on it, 
but there's also a shitload of stupid, even childish nonsense. It seems to be more of a repository for creative and silly shit.
I found one yesterday and I'm not too sure about where it fits in in that S/M realm, but it certainly is interesting. At the very least, it's interesting that someone like me would think it's interesting. 
This site features nothing but the artwork that was created to be used as backgrounds for Looney Tunes cartoons. You may even recognize a few. Take a look:

Imagine living your life doing baseless bullshit like this guy is doing. I wonder how far down that special corner of Hell they have reserved for him is...

This has been one of our favorite shows for the last buncha years. 
It's really been the only reason we've kept Showtime in our DirectTV package. When this season ends, there aren't gonna be any more episodes, so I'll probably shitcan DirectTV and just go all-streaming.


A dead body was found caught in Texas’ floating buoy barrier in the Rio Grande on Wednesday. 
It was the first of two bodies found in the water boundary between the United States and Mexico. The second was found three miles upstream from the border buoys in Eagle Pass.


 Ya know, if these people - people like her - weren't such despicable scumbags I might actually be a little - dare I say - sympathetic about the lives they live. Can you get your head around someone like her who lives a 24/7 life of lies, denials and stupidity? 
Damn near every word out of her mouth is bullshit, and the only way she's ever accomplished anything was by suckin' dick. It'd be tragic if they weren't so dangerous. Juss' sayin'...


Does your little angel deserve a treat?
Click on the picture for more information on these earrings.

The British Press is absolutely brutal. Maybe that's 
why I get such a kick outta them...


The fact that Blind Faith's British cover isn't in the top ten is ridiculous. Click on this link to see which covers they believe are the best of the best. This list was obviously put together by somebody born in the very late 1990's.


That kinda makes my point, doesn't it?

The stunning death throes of a star 2,600 light years away have been captured in unprecedented detail by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). The image shows a doughnut-like structure of glowing gas known as the Ring Nebula, which was formed about 4,000 years ago when a star violently shed its outer layer of gas and dust. This matter spread out around the star, forming the granular purple matter seen in the image above. 
The dying star that created the burst of matter is still visible at the center of the nebula. It is now extremely hot, over 100,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The interior of the ring is filled with hot gas, as shown in the image in yellow. 



  1. Billboards album cover list has a lot of crap on it. It is missing the first Molly Hatchet cover, Def Leppard's Pyromania, Outlaws' Playin to Win, 38 Special's Wild Eyed Southern Boys, and REO Speedwagon's first album. There are others but I am not fully awake. I have had just a half cup of coffee.

  2. On album covers,no "Thick As A Brick/Standup"?!WTF,most of those covers suck!

  3. Shit, I never even heard of most of the albums on that list....didn't look at them all, but there were a few I can remember ....King Crimson In the Court of the Crimson King being one....better than a damn banana as far as I'm concerned....sheesh....

  4. "Damn near every word out of her mouth is bullshit..."

    And that includes "a", "and" and "the".

  5. Regarding DTV. Cut out the middle man, buy a Firestick, jailbreak it, maybe upgrade yout internet speed, and you can watch pretty much any TV show/movie you want, with closed captioning, pause, fast forwarding.


Tonight's gift from our friends at Twisted Hillbilly...

  ...    Here's a great idea for a gift for  that cat lover in your life ...     Click on the picture for more information on these beau...