Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Burning Man will be held under water this year...

Bearing in mind that Burning Man has always been held in the high desert where temperatures can easily reach 115 degrees+, this news is coming as quite a shock to the festival goers. 
Burning Man - the organizers -  have told festival-goers to postpone their arrival at the Nevada site due to tropical Storm Hilary. The storm has flooded the site which has meant organisers have asked people to delay their arrival until the waterlogged site dries out.

This may take quite a while partially because the ground there is not quite as permeable as they would like, and it'll most likely be a muddy mess for the foreseeable future.
On Monday, organizers told attendees that the entrance, via the town of Gerlach, was closed.
'The gate will remain closed until at least noon PT on Tuesday 8/22. If you were planning to travel to BRC with a Work Access Pass, delay your plans,' they tweeted. 'DO NOT drive to Gerlach.'

Portions from Mirror.co.UK


  1. One well placed low yield nuke dropped on Burning man would do wonders to raise the intelligence level of the American gene pool.

  2. All those folks are stuck in Reno / Sparks.

  3. They have managed to sink a couple of rigs, one a huge crane, at the 3 mile entrance. If they get much more rain, those trailers will begin to sink without anyone even trying to move them. Nasty alkaline soil.


Good Morning...