Friday, August 4, 2023

Boys playing girls sports. Again. It won't end well... - The president of a Wyoming tennis association has resigned in protest against a decision to allow a trans female player to participate in the woman's singles category of the state's Governor's Cup. 
Brooklyn Ross, 27, from Colorado has previously competed with women in college tournaments and is due to compete in the Wyoming Governor's Cup this weekend. Cheyenne Tennis Association President, Jackie Fulkrod told Cowboy State Daily: 'I think a man playing against a woman is a very unfair matchup when it's specifically meant for women in that specific draw.'


  1. The mentally ill have so deluded themselves into thinking they can be a female while sporting male procreation tackle is nothing but a massive cheat and in my day would have been taken behind the woodshed for a little attitude adjustment. "Can't compete in men's tennis?" Easy-peasy...just take estrogen by the bucketful, dress like a girl with a new hairdo, and smoke the competition.against them. By extension, anyone allowing these cheats and bums into woman's sports are deranged by association.

  2. The freak show continues. This can't end well.

  3. The trans are mentally ill and the medical people that helped them are doing it for profit and they should be striped of allowing to do anything medical.


FEMA thinks their job is 'Equity' and 'Inclusion'? What dystopian world do these people live in?

This DEI shit is so out of hand it hurts my brain to think about it.  This is from the front page of their website:   You can't (and wou...