Friday, August 11, 2023

And once again, the wool will be pulled over our eyes. Only because you let it happen...

If you don't see smoke and mirrors in this, Helen Keller and Ray Charles both laugh at your lack of eyesight. 
Attorney General (the SPOTUS wannabe) Merrick Garland announced Friday that Delaware US Attorney David Weiss would be given special counsel authority in the ongoing Hunter Biden investigation — as prosecutors said negotiations with the first son about a potential plea agreement had broken down.
In a brief statement at the Justice Department, Garland said Weiss had asked for special counsel authority three days earlier. The AG said he had agreed due to “the extraordinary circumstances relating to this matter.”
Meanwhile, in a Friday filing with Wilmington US District Court, prosecutors said talks with Hunter’s legal team about a potential guilty plea to federal tax misdemeanors and a felony weapons charge were “at an impasse.” “The Government now believes that the case will not resolve short of a trial,” wrote Assistant US Attorney Leo Wise.
Just so ya know, Wise  is the same guy who's been in charge of this thing from day one, and it was his office that was going to allow Hunter to plea and get blanket immunity from the plea. Had the Judge in the case not shot down that bullshit, that scumbag woulda walked with less tan a wrist-slap. 

What makes you think he won't get away with this whole mishegoss? (And if you don't speak Yiddish, look that up).

Someone you know must have a birthday coming up. 
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  1. Garland’s appointment of David Weiss as special counsel in Hunter Biden investigation appears to be ILLEGAL per statue 600.3 which states “The special counsel shall be selected from OUTSIDE the United States.

    1. I'm sure that was just a clerical oversight and Garland will fix it most ricky-tic.

  2. Hunter wants a change of venue to "Anywhere, 5th Circuit of Appeals"

  3. Weiss was appointed so Congress cannot call him before the committees and question him about the scum ball, Hunter.

  4. Wasn't Weiss the one that tried to get Hunter the sweet heart deal


Short-term memory loss will be the death of us all...

Are we (well, not us/me and you actually, but the collective 'Americans')  so stupid as to believe that someone who's been in of...