Wednesday, July 12, 2023

You'd think he'da brought a little more 'fire power' on the caper... – A Volusia County man was arrested on Monday 
after police said he robbed a 7-Eleven with a machete. Deric Shropshire, 30, was arrested after being identified as the robber by the victim working at the gas station. Police say the robber arrived at the 7-Eleven at 170 N. Nova Rd. early Monday morning, where he threatened an employee with a machete and demanded all the money in the register. The victim complied after being led forcefully to the register by the robber.
The man left the scene on foot with an undisclosed amount of cash.
Upon arrival at the scene, Ormond Beach police officers launched an unsuccessful search for the robber. Police say Shropshire was identified by the gas station employee using a photo lineup, and then later by his probation officer using 7-Eleven surveillance footage.
Shropshire was on probation for a carjacking case that occurred in 2009, according to the Volusia County Clerk of Courts. 

Shropshire was arrested in his home in South Daytona and charged with aggravated assault with intent to commit a felony, battery, robbery with a weapon and violation of probation.




  1. How putting him on probation for the car jacking really taught him a lesson. (Is a /sarc tag necessary) I wonder how many other crimes he committed before finally being caught again?

  2. That should have said, Wow not How

  3. Shoot him.....end of story....

  4. he's a career criminal. lock his ass up for good. bring back the 94 crime bill. it's needed now more than ever.


Start with half a laugh and it's all downhill from there...

Driving to the gas station for a cuppa cawfee yesterday afternoon I noticed three houses in my neighborhood with new HARRIS/WALZ signs on th...