Wednesday, July 5, 2023

While you're at it, add Ben & Jerry's to your 'Fuck Them' list...

These goofy ex-hippy jerkoffs always have something to say, and it almost always is pretty friggin' stupid - like this latest diatribe they came out with. Maybe you buy BlueBell or Good Humor or anything else from now on. The story is here if you need reinforcement:


  1. They already sold their company to Unilever and cashed out. I don't see them rushing to pay back the Indigenous people on whose land they had built their factory on in Waterbury Center Vermont.

    Those two assholes have been known to be nothing but big hypocrites for a long time. Especially if you lived in Vermont.

  2. Well, there is the fact that Ben & Jerry's is happily making their million in profits every year on that same "stolen" ground. I suggest that in good faith Ben & Jerry's should close shop, donate their company and millions (billions?) in ill-gotten gains to the nearest Native American tribe they can find, then pack their bags and move back to the country of their ancestors.

  3. I have not purchased any of their product after they declared their hatred towards Israel.

  4. Like the Vermont property they own.

  5. The guy in your picture? He and his partner got bought out by Lever Bros, I think. This guy insisted that they keep him as an employee for a period of time. Buyers agreed. Deal closes. So this guy in your picture comes to work, and his key does not work on the doorlock to his office. Yah. They said we agreed to keep you on as an employee, but we didn’t agree to give you a place to work! What am I supposed to do your guy says. We don’t know and we don’t care was their response.

  6. I found out they were hypocrites and I had tried their Ice Cream once and did not like it so they made it easy to just not buy any of their over priced product. Typical of liberal blue state people.

  7. Not a square foot of the Western Hemisphere was stolen. It was acquired lawfully by the existing, accepted real estate transfer protocol the natives were using; conquest

  8. while we're about it, lets add that maker of mythamentaries, Michael Moore, to the list

  9. These two commie libturds can piss and bugger off, all century long.


Wanna see just how scary AI can be - and how close to real it looks?

Click on this screencap to see the reel this guy posted.  Trump on guitar, Putin on drums, Biden lost and confused (of course)  and more. It...