Monday, July 10, 2023

What kinda shit is that on the beach? Yikes...

New York Post - More than half of the nation’s beaches are contaminated with poop and sewage making their waters unsafe to swim in. The 'study' found 55% of more than 3,100 beaches tested in 2022 had at least one day where “fecal contamination” reached potentially unsafe levels, surpassing the Environmental Protection Agency’s benchmark for beach advisories and closures.
Even more disgusting, American shores are polluted with human and animal waste, dumped into the ocean from sewage overflows, factory farms and industrial livestock operations. Texas beaches were among the worst in the nation, with 90% of the 61 beaches tested at unsanitary levels.

As a region, the Gulf Coast tested the worst, with 84% of shoreline failing to meet clean standards — followed by the West Coast and then the Great Lakes.
On a personal note, some of you may know that lived in the Virgin Islands for over a decade, finally moving back to the States in '99. I moved back to live at the Jersey Shore, and now I live in Florida. 
I have not been in the ocean since '99.
 This story makes my point completely.


  1. yeah, I understand that all too well. after seeing the beaches in southern Europe in the 1970's and then coming home to the states. the water looked like a sewer to me. then again the water in Venice was a open sewer back then too. fun town to party in back then. just don't go in the "water". hell, even Paris was clean back then when compared to now. last time I was in the water was off San Juan in the later 1990's. dave in pa.

  2. The biggest problem with the Gulf Coast is that it has the Mississippi River bringing all the crap from all the states it flows through and then dumps in the Gulf of Mexico....

    1. And proximity to Mexico, Cuba, and a host of Central American countries and parts of South America.

  3. CalEPA requires cancer warnings on stainless steel. Trusting EPA to set reasonable standards is optimistic. Anything that happens over half the time is either normal, a made up crisis, or a failure to set rational standards.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...