Sunday, July 23, 2023

The usual suspects strike again...

A Georgia Lowe’s employee attempted to stop shoplifters making off with $2,100 amount of merchandise, leaving her unemployed and with a black eye. Donna Hansbrough, 68, saw three people loading up a shopping cart at a store in Rincon, about 30 minutes north of Savannah, and then leave without stopping to pay.
The veteran employee then grabbed onto the cart allegedly being pushed by Takyah Berry - who slugged the older woman in the face three times

Berry, who was with her uncle, Joseph Berry and another man police identified as Jarmar Lawton, then made off with the goods, the Rincon Police Department said in a news release. Hansbrough was then canned from her job of 13 years for violating company policy by interfering with the crooks.


  1. It ain't right harassing three upstanding citizens like that! Claims of racism will be levelled at Lowe's and BLM will riot followed by lawsuits and bad publicity for Lowe's and progressive politicians decrying the treatment of the black folk.C'mon man.

  2. and the only reason why they where stealing the stuff was to resell it. they never steal anything they "need".
    no. it always to resell and make some cash money for other stuff. like drugs. dave in pa.

    1. You can't steal intelligence, good manners, education or civilised behaviour so why do their actions surprise you?

  3. I'm beginning to think that when it comes to big box stores, is honesty the best policy?

    1. If you do it, you will be arrested, charged and convicted UNLESS you have the 13% card to play.

  4. Lowes and Home Depot have been that way for years I know quite a few people who have been fired for the same reason They are afraid of lawsuits

    1. she should sue the fuck out of lowe's and the three animals. this country was much better when we had segregation. being forced to live with animals is dangerous.

  5. One of these mugshots was female? Dear God!

    1. The one in the lower right looks like a female to be avoided. They can be more dangerous than the males, since no one has taught them that their actions will have consequences.

  6. We used to shoot thieves on sight, and rightly so-what the hell happened to us?


The absolute magic in the second bridge - the second guitar solo for you people in El Segundo...

A very good argument can be made that this is the single best live recording  of any one song by any one group of musicians.  This was - goo...