Thursday, July 27, 2023

The kid has a question for you...


  1. OK, so what's the question?

  2. That is not true

  3. Sort of like plants growing inside houses and business. Artificial light works well.

  4. I got no issue with that. Anerobic bacteria and fungi do quite well in those conditions.

  5. Even the Bible's earliest writings make sense when you know how to read it - its not a science lesson arrived at by translating Hebrew into English and saying, "Ah ha!". You have to look at the cosmology like an ancient civilisation would have done and then it develops in a natural manner reflecting what was important to early civilisations. The order of creation even fits the main steps in evolution as we understand it. There's plenty of material to study this if you're interested.

  6. Brown nailed it. Be aware that much of this was ancient Hebrew poetry.

  7. No it doesn't. The third verse in the Bible is, Let there be light. Obviously our light is the sun. That was done before anything was done on earth. It's not until verse 6 that God starts working on earth.


Playing poker weith the boys tonight, so...

Hey - a boy can dream, can't he?