Friday, July 28, 2023

The 'Florida Men' nobody wants to go near...

A Florida sex offender village has left residents of the neighboring community too afraid to let their kids walk alone. Miracle Village near Lake Okeechobee is home to about 200 registered sex offenders - 80 percent of its population - who have committed all kinds of sex crimes. While the 24-acre community serves as a safe-haven for sex offenders with restricted home options, residents of neighboring Pahokee, just a few miles away, have expressed fear to be in close proximity to the sex offender village.
I wonder who thought this would be a good idea? The full article is here:


  1. If you don’t execute them then they have to live somewhere so stfu.

    1. Agree. Wood chippers or this place. This place is more humane and at least you know where they are supposed to be so you can keep an eye on them.
