Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The crazy shit he gets away with...

First and foremost, this is the most blantantly ridiculous scam I've seen in a long time. Ya gotta wonder if this guy isn't stupid enough to not claim the income on his taxes, given his history of dumb shit. Read this article and see just how dark the dark side of Democrat politics really is:


  1. this is the most blantantly ridiculous scam I've seen in a long time.
    And the frikken lefties are impervious to the obvious..

  2. I sat bring back tar and feathering....not to mention a guillotine on the steps of the senate....


The 'Vacationer in chief'. What a great title...

...     According to this report , President Biden spent almost as much time on R&R as he did running the country. The 81-year-old comma...