Sunday, July 2, 2023

Sanity at SCOTUS - the ruling nobody's talking about much...

I know I'm a simple guy, but this makes sense even to a dolt like me. Of COURSE any business can and should be allowed to deny doing business with anyone they want to. For whatever reason or no reason at all. 
I am sick to tears hearing about these bleeding-heart jerkoffs with agendas and causes.
Here's the thing - somebody doesn't wanna work for you? Go to someone else. Period. This friggin' insanity has to stop. Thank god it looks like it finally might. Well played, SCOTUS.

Wanna read what a lib outfit thinks of this? Read about it here:

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1 comment:

  1. No shirt, no shoes, no service.....gays need not for me...welcome to freedom.....sometimes it 'aint what you think it is, but tough it up, buttercup....I should have the right to refuse service to anyone who offends me or my bakers should have the same right to not bake a cake for a straight wedding if they so choose....that said, and since the gay population in this country is way less than the media and the talking heads want you to believe, that would scale down their business substantially...
