Tuesday, July 25, 2023

More proof - like you needed more - that our country is officially upside down and fucked...

The US Department of Justice has sued the Republican governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, over his refusal to remove a floating barrier placed on the Rio Grande to stop migrants entering the US from Mexico. The move is the latest in a growing political spat between Abbott and the Biden administration, heightened by Republican attempts to scaremonger over immigration as the 2024 presidential election looms.
The lawsuit filed by the federal government asks a court in Texas to force the state to remove the roughly 1,000ft line of bright orange, wrecking ball-sized buoys the Biden administration says raises humanitarian and environmental concerns.
Just in case you've lost your perspective on this, this is your Federal Department of Justice - the law and order arm of the country - going after a duly elected Governor of a State in favor of people who are or should be unwanted by their very nature and who's very first act in this country is breaking a law.



Back in 1930, California was producing nearly one quarter of the entire world’s oil output. These oil wells in Venice, California, were still operational on the beach in 1952.


The Internal Revenue Service will largely diminish the amount of unannounced visits it makes to homes and businesses, citing safety concerns for its officers and the risk of scammers posing as agency employees, it announced Monday. Typically, IRS officers had done these door visits to collect unpaid taxes and unfiled tax returns. But effective immediately, they will only do these visits in rare circumstances, such as seizing assets or carrying out summonses and subpoenas. Of the tens of thousands of unannounced visits conducted annually, only a few hundred fall under those circumstances, the agency said.
The IRS is building its own online tax filing system. Tax-prep companies aren't happy
"These visits created extra anxiety for taxpayers already wary of potential scam artists," IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel said. "At the same time, the uncertainty around what IRS employees faced when visiting these homes created stress for them as well. This is the right thing to do and the right time to end it. Instead, certain taxpayers will receive letters in the mail giving them the option to schedule a face-to-face meeting with an officer.

What a wonderful (and frugal) thing this is, dontcha think? Well guess what: Do you live in Colorado or Nevada? That water isn’t yours. You can’t have it. And you most certainly cannot set out a setup like this one to catch what falls from the sky, you thief. Water laws are so strict in these two states that rainwater collection is virtually prohibited. The doctrine is written into the state’s Constitutions. All the rain is already spoken for. It belongs to someone else, and that someone else isn’t you. 
And politicians wonder why they are hated so vigorously by so many of us...


This is Lyudmila Pavlichenko. Soviet Sniper During World War II. Credited With 309 Kills, She Is Regarded As The Most Successful Female Sniper In History, 1940

Paris, 1938. Posters along the Rue de Courcelles. The posters advertise the national lottery, an art exhibition of posters, a festival, Jean Renoir’s classic film The Rules of the Game, and Maggi brand soup stock. The contrast in this photo is brilliant.


Tell someone special you love her
for only $ 18.00...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.

According to a couple of so-called 'experts' who you've never 
heard of, the human-caused climate crisis is undeniably to blame for the deadly heatwaves that have struck Europe and the US in recent weeks, and scientists have been chomping at the bit to try and prove their bullshit theories about it.
Both would have been virtually impossible without the global heating driven by burning fossil fuels, their analysis found. Another searing heatwave, in China, was made 50 times more likely by the climate crisis.
According to these over-educated idiots, the results make it crystal clear (at least to them) that human-caused global heating is already destroying lives and livelihoods across the world, making the need to cut emissions ever more urgent. Such brutal heatwaves are no longer rare, the scientists said, and will worsen as emissions continue to rise. According to these geniuses, if the world heats by only two degrees, the hot spells will happen every two to five years. 

Of course, they have no way of proving that before the fact, but hey - what is theoretical science if it ain't a fuckin' crapshoot, right?





  1. Hell, I had that exact clock....still got it somewhere...

    1. Yeah - lost mine in the divorce before last. Great little unit.

  2. So why then does the IRS need 80K+ new armed agents?

  3. is it just me, or does the chick in the gold dress look like she's holding a chocolate gun?


  4. Let me guess...The 4 bank robbers pic is from "Batman" and the twin 'cops' are the "Alice" androids from Star Trek episode "I, Mudd"?

    1. You are correct on the twins. Right from Star Trek from I, Mudd.
      Good catch.
