Sunday, July 30, 2023

More nonsense...



  1. This Modern World strip is so condescending as to infuriate me.

  2. I always get my science from comic strip cartoonists.They are the ":experts."

  3. If you remember that huge underwater volcanic explosion that occurred last year - the one so big that it could be seen from space ?
    At the time , even NASA stated that it released so much greenhouse gases that temperatures would be elevated for a year or two .

    But, we can't blame it on the US, or Big Oil, or Donald Trump, so, it's conveniently round-filed .

    BTW - China has just basically said "FU" to the environmental movement - think that they'll get any grief from the media ?


Yer killin' me Auntie - can't get one by you. Here ya go...

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