Friday, July 14, 2023

Maybe(lline) it's me that's fucked up. I just don't get what message they're trying to send us...

Read this article and tell me if you can figure out if I'm just a fucked-up old guy - or - maybe they're all just friggin' looneytune characters. 
I swear to god I have no idea WTF they're virtue-sicnalling with ridiculous ads like this. Doesn't anyone learn a lesson from the mistakes of others, or do they just not give a fuck. Either way, it's screwy. Check this out:
Click on the banner if you'd like to see what she has 
available on her Etsy site today.


  1. Maybelline, why can't you be true?

  2. I remember seeing that Nixon got a rash of shit for being photographed having stage makeup put on. (And the next time he appeared on TV, he was unmade and the same people who gave him a rash of shit for wearing makup then gave him shit for looking so haggard.)

    Now? If a candidate isn't made up like a 5 dollar whore, then the media will destroy said candidate.

  3. Well, it's a little bit of both- you're mos def a fucked-up old guy, and "Maybe-lean(left)" is loony-toons!
    Sorry, you opened the door, it would have been rude of me not to take the advantage!

    Another fucked-up old guy


Take a shot this one, Auntie...