Thursday, July 20, 2023

Maybe it's time to boycott Paramount also...

 CMT removed Jason Aldean's 'Try that in a small town' video from it's rotation on Wednesday because a couple of crybabies on the internet didn't like it...  

The unnamed 'critics' said the video prmotes violence against blacks because it features newsreel video of BLM rioters burning down buildings and attacking police officers in the line of duty.
Think about that for just a half second. CMT bowing to liberal pressure rather than thinking about - and supporting - their own base audience. Think about this: A spokesman for Paramount, CMT's parent company, said that "The network received criticism from online critics who viewed the lyrics as promoting sentiments that could exacerbate gun violence and lynching among Aldean's rural, small-town fan base."
Maybe it's time WE drop CMT from our rotations. Fuck these duplicitous liberal Hollywood dooshbags.




This is pretty cool. It's on a T-intersection just outside of Wimberley, Texas. We usta have something similar when I lived on St. John back i n the 90's, but Hurricane Marilyn took 'em all away and planted 'em somewhere west of Puerto Rico I think.


Broadway may soon be joining actors and writers in strike action after a strike authorization vote was called by the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Wednesday, according to Playbill. The vote comes after negotiations fell through with The Broadway League and Disney Theatrical, who represent Broadway and national tour producers.
 The discussions centre around IATSE's Pink Contract, which includes a number of professions in its fold, including stagehands, hair and make-up artists, wardrobe staff, and more. The vote is open until 2:00 a.m., July 21, with strike action expected to be called as early as Friday morning. If such a strike were announced, Broadway and national tour productions would immediately cease operations.

OKAY - think about this for a minute. All of these people are in an industry wherein the main characters - the most important of all of them - are people pretending to be other people. How fucking important are they to society in that perspective?


The Seaside Heights boardwalk burned to the ground ten years ago. This is the town that was host to that despicable piece-of-shit shit show 'Jersey Shore' on MTV. That particualr show ended the year before the fire.
As bad as that show was, and it WAS really fuckin' bad, the worst part about it was that not one single main character in the show was actually from NJ. They were all a buncha Staten Island Guidos and Guidettes.

Everybody's up in arms about the US giving Ukraine 
cluster bomb munitions. The Nazis were the first to develop cluster bomb technology, and they developed it specifically for the bombing of London. Think Ukraine'll ever pay us back for all the shit and all the monet we've thrown their way in the last coupla years? Don't bet the fuckin' ranch on that one, Skippy.


Florida’s Board of Education approved new rules for teaching Black history in the state Wednesday, prompting immediate backlash from critics who describe the updated standards as “a big step backward.” 

The new guidelines come after the state passed a 'controversial' education law, which required lessons on race be taught in an “objective” manner that does not seek to “indoctrinate or persuade students to a particular point of view.” It also bars instruction that defines people as necessarily oppressed or privileged based on their race.

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  1. I agree with the song.....and yes, if a black man is threatening someone or destroying personal property the motherfucker deserves to be.....I was gonna say disposed of with a weapon, but I suppose I shouldn't.....that goes for the white assholes as any rate, it's about time somebody spoke up for the majority of matter what color you are, these people are a menace to you....too bad "obama the great shithead" set us back 60 years on the racial hurts me to think undermining assholes like the squad have a voice in congress....Wake up America....

  2. Thank God for Disantis and the Republican congress in Florida....

  3. I liked the song and I agree with it....and yes, any BLM scum setting fires or beating up people, should be shot....


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