Monday, July 10, 2023

Kisses and math don't work for him...



  1. Calvin and math: start small with 7000 grains equals a pound. That is because it takes 7000 grains of barley to equal a pound weight. There are 48 pounds of barley in a bushel so there are 336,000 grains in a bushel. There are 4 pecks in a bushel so there are 12 pounds of barley in a peck and 84,000grains in a peck. There are 8 quarts in a peck so there are 10,500 grains in a quart so there are 32 quarts in a bushel. And of course there 2 pints in a quart so there is 5,250 grains in a pint and 64 pints in a bushel.

  2. Bushel and peck are units of volume, not weight.


Good Morning...