Monday, July 24, 2023

Is there anything that goes wrong that you can't blame 'climate change' for? No - simple answer...

Extreme temperatures in parts of the US and around the world "caused by climate change" (how the fuck do they actually not that for a fact?) are being blamed for forcing airlines to reduce fuel loads, shed passengers or baggage, or wait for daytime temperatures to drop in the evenings, to fly some aircraft. High temperatures reduce the performance of engines and the lift airplanes wings are able to produce, which is leading Las Vegas-based Allegiant Airlines to warn that they will delay flights if there’s a threat to passenger safety.


There was no decision for me to make. I was born in Newark...

Did you ever notice that any time something good comes out in the news, certain media types can't wait to pound on it?

My Father usta have a favorite saying: 'If you have nothing good to say, shut the fuck up.' It would be nice if the same applied to the media.
As millions of people head to the theaters this weekend to see Christopher Nolan’s epic Oppenheimer, a 'new' study has been released that tracks the radioactive devastation wrought by the U.S. government’s first nuclear weapons test. 
The “Trinity” test, as it was secretly known, was the first nuclear detonation by the American military, occurring on July 16, 1945. That test resulted in the distribution of radioactive deposits to 46 U.S. states, as well as to parts of Canada and Mexico, the new research shows. The report also attempts to analyze the impact of the dozens of other “atmospheric” nuclear weapons tests carried out by the federal government between 1951 and 1962 inside the United States. The tests, researchers say, caused “widespread dispersion of radioactive fallout” and led to “environmental contamination and population exposures.”

I'm thinking you gotta be a boomer to get that one...

  ... - A representative of the Miss Italy beauty pageant said contestants must be "woman from birth," just weeks after Rikkie Kollé made history as the first transgender woman to be crowned Miss Netherlands. Miss Italy's official patron, Patrizia Mirigliani, told Radio Cusano earlier this month that she considered transgender inclusivity efforts made by other beauty pageants to be "a bit absurd," according to Italian outlet Il Primato Nazionale.
Mirigliani has been involved with Miss Italy since the 1980s, following in the footsteps of her father Enzo Mirigliani, who began leading the pageant in 1959. "Lately, beauty pageants have been trying to make headlines by also using strategies that I think are a bit absurd," Mirigliani said. "Ever since it was born, my contest has included in its regulations the specification that one must be a woman from birth."

I'll say one thing about the guy - he's lived one helluva 
life for somebody who doesn't drink...


Ya see, this is why I fuckin' hate politics and the way the media portrays shit. I live in Florida and, thinking back on the absolute fuckin' stupidity that was going on around the country and around the world, I thank God I live where I do and he did what he did. Our kids went back to school before anyone else. Our stores and bars and restaurants opened back up before anyone else's. We had lower fatality rates than almost every other state, and yet these cocksuckers will look to besmurch his record only because he's running for President - as a republican. Fuck 'em...

This is my Legion Post. It's not exactly around the corner 
from my house - it's in Key Largo - about 5 1/2 hours away. 
If I need a cheap beer and a 247th retelling of the battle for Porkchop Hill I can always go to one of the three posts near me here in north central Florida. Interesting thing - the Legion Post here in The Villages is the largest AL Post in the world by membership. Maybe that's why I belong to a different Post. Juss' sayin'...


There are really very few things I don't like about living here in Florida. Truth is it's pretty friggin' awesome BUT - the bread here is terrible. I don't know if it's the water or the humidity or the fact that there aren't any good guinea bakers down here or what, but the bread is just  awful. It's like it's made for people with no teeth and no taste buds. If you do manage to find a loaf or a roll with a decent chew-able crust, the sucker is stale before you get it home. 
I would almost literally kill for a good hard roll with butter like what I grew up with. And a Cherry Coke to wash it down - maybe at the counter with Danny Miller at Debbie's Sweet Shop back in my old neighborhood.


Tell someone special you love her
for only $ 18.00...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.


  1. I joined the Legion post in St Augustine in '94. Our post was stolen by developers...

    1. That's not entirely true. Didn't somebody Steal a boat load of money from the post that bankrupted it

  2. On the 35mm film canisters: I still have and use them....

  3. Too heavy to take off, really? BULL SHIT. Engineers take the worst scenarios into consideration when designing airplanes. The FAA makes them add in a safety factor. So, no, I'm not buying their lies. The truth is that there is a shortage of pilots because of the Covid vax kill off. To make matters worse the banks told the airlines they had to buy into DEI or they could not borrow money. So airlines announced the next wave of hirings is going to be based upon skin color and sexual orientation. Well, guess what. Those candidates are not passing muster as fast as pilots are dying off. Thank Biden's handlers.

    1. Bravo Sierra: maybe. but you find when flying a light plane, you take up far less runway when it's cold than when it's hot and when you're carrying passengers in a four-seater and the temperature gets up there, you really want to check their weight carefully; you could run out of runway on takeoff - ask me how I know.

    2. I have been on a C-17 that landed in Kuwait City that landed at 95% power in the middle of a very hot day. It landed hard and took up the entire runway to get it to stop. The AF suspended flights above 110 degrees soon after that.

  4. we used to call 'em Kaiser rolls, particularly when the hard crusty tops were sprinkled with poppy seeds. My breakfast (for many years) was a Kaiser roll with a fried egg and two slices of bacon, obtained at a deli in mid-town Manhattan on Madison at 0500 for all of 15¢ (plus a 10¢ tip).

  5. Your legion post is diagonal from Coral Restoration that I volunteer with when I'm in Key Largo
    Mark in PA


I'm not here, but...