Tuesday, July 11, 2023

How hard would you this guy with your first punch?

Flying is a necessity, not a pleasure. I fly a couple times a year and it's almost never less of a pain in the ass than it's worth, so I can't even imagine what I would do if shit like this happened on a flight I was on. Yesterday, a United Airlines flight bound for Amsterdam was forced to divert to Chicago after a passenger disrupted the flight over his meal choice. The passenger, who was seated in business class, was upset the in-flight meal he wanted wasn't available
The flight took off from George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston at 4:20 p.m. on Sunday, but ended up landing in Chicago's O'Hare Airport just two hours later. Given the opportunity, I would beat the fuckin' snot outta that guy, and I honestly hope all of you would as well. Juss' sayin'...

Imagine saying something like that to a kid. Shirley you'd fuck 
his (or her) head up for a long, long time.


The James Webb Space Telescope picked up the blast from 
two neutron stars colliding. The blast, called a kilonova, created the perfect conditions to make space gold and platinum. This is the first time JWST has picked up emissions from a kilonova.
If the fact that this device - the Webb Telescope - can deliver images from billions of miles away doesn't set your heart racing, then I gotta believe nothing will. This may well be the single greatest engineering feat of all time. 
It needs a lot more exposure than it gets - especially in a world where at least one of those fuckin' jerkoff Kardashians are in the 'news' every day.


And let me point out that any news item that starts with the phrase 'Scantily clad women' can't be a boring story. At least four women were involved in a wild, caught-on-camera brawl near a set of poker tables at a luxury Las Vegas hotel over the weekend.
One woman was even pulled from a motorized scooter inside Encore at Wynn Las Vegas as a security guard and a bystander tried to break up the fight Sunday evening.
There's nothing on YouTube that I could find but the Post does have a short clip on the story page. Check it out:




This is exactly why I get such a kick out of the British Tabloid press. This was a front-page article on one of their websites. The fact that they eagerly put shit like this out there without taking themselves seriously like most American media sites do is refreshing. And it's pretty friggin' funny, too...


Have a birthday or other special event
 coming up soon? Maybe you need to find
 a gift for someone special. How about this?
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful handmade bracelet.


  1. The NYP had a good collection of short videos!

  2. Twice I’ve been on flights bound for LGD in NYC,where the carrier did not have kosher food for a couple of Orthodox Jews on board. Apparently this is offered on many in or outbound NY C flights and they did pre- order them. Well they didn’t cause too big a stir but they did get their points across and got a free credit for their flight
