Wednesday, July 5, 2023

How far back do weather records go?

Because this headline would make you want to believe there has never been a day that was hotter in the history of forever. I'm just not buying it. Don't get me wrong - it was hot as fuck even here yesterday, with afternoon temps well in to triple digits. 
I just think that using the word 'ever' is a little bit of stretching credibility. Like maybe there was a couple of days after that meteor killed all the dinosaurs that were a little hotter than yesterday. Juss' sayin'...



The Yankees lead MLB in the number of perfect games their 
teams' pitchers have thrown. Isn't it kinda weird that 
all four Yankees that have done that all have names 
that start with the letter 'D'? Oh, and for the 
record, I've watched three of the four games myself.

"This (weather) is not a milestone we should be celebrating," said climate scientist Friederike Otto of the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment at Britain's Imperial College London. "It's a death sentence for people and ecosystems."

I kinda don't think that's 100% legit, but ya never know, right?

The mere fact that they sell these proves my theory completely. 
The more ya think about it, the more you realize that the vast majority 
of people that you see around you are fuckin' morons. Go ahead - take a look. 
See if I'm not right. I'll wait here...


So many of these 'studies' we see nowadays on the news and such are just completely full of shit. This one's a classic example. If you read the article, of course it's yet another 'gloom and doom' bullshit report that some guy dreamed up. He was probably hired by the Home Lifting Contractors Association to come up with this drivel. Don't trust anyone who calls themselves an 'expert'. Here's that article:


So let me get this straight, because I'm the 
kinda guy who's easily confused...
You banned the use of plastic bags in supermarkets, so when I go there to buy store-made salads in plastic containers, a pound of sliced ham in a plastic bag, some pork chops on a plastic tray wrapped in plastic wrap, apple sauce in small plastic containers, a loaf of bread in a plastic bag, a gallon of milk in a plastic jug, a pack of napkins in a plastic wrapper and plastic bottles of mustard and ketchup the store won't give me a plastic bag to carry all that shit in because the bags are bad for the environment. 
Did I get that straight?
Have a birthday or other special event
 coming up soon? Maybe you need to find
 a gift for someone special.  
The earrings are only $ 18.00 and that includes free shipping.
Click on the picture for more information.




About four months ago I bought a book online called 'How to 
scam people on the internet'. I haven't gotten it yet...

We all know that Jesus was a Jew, right?

I'm thinking it mighta been kinda funny if he was Orthodox.

I'm thinking they spelled 'cents' wrong...




  1. The ban on plastic bags was mostly instituted because too many dumb asses had to throw the damn things down to be blown around by the wind and then stuck on the exhaust systems of cars......ever pull into the garage only to be tantalized by the smell of smoldering plastic stuck to your muffler? too many of them would wind up in the ocean....not defending just explaining....

  2. ALL statistics are based on arbitrarily chosen data lines that highlight the "message" they are trying to send. From any geological standpoint, even 200 years of record keeping doesn't mean a damn thing.

  3. many many years ago. before the climate crazies. it was 103 at ft sill. we fried eggs on the 109's hull. yummy.

  4. The picture of the Orthodox are Not, they're Chasidic. Which are separate group all together. Think of them as the Pentecostal movement of Judaism.

  5. Re - Plastic Pennies --- growing up at the local picknicks plastic pennies were used in the sawdust piles that kids would search through. Different organizations would then allow the kids to trade them in for real money (or prizes, varied by which group was hosting). Mark in PA

  6. Is the "in the Fuehrer's face" poster authentic WWII propaganda? It's pretty daring for the era, but the war encouraged pushing the limits. The woman looks like Marilyn Monroe, and it looks like it's inspired by her scene on the subway grating, which was a decade after the war. So I suspect it's photoshopped, but either they found a shot of her recreating the scene with a different dress, or they even colorized her white dress.


Twisted Hillbilly's got another day-drinkin' hotty for you to hang out with today...

...     Have a birthday or anniversary coming up? Here's a nice idea for a simple gift that she'd really appreciate...        Click ...