Saturday, July 22, 2023

Given the opportunity, I'd smack the livin' shit outta every one of 'em...

New York Post - British environmental activists demonstrating on the roads of west London Friday blocked a desperate mother who claimed she needed to cut through the crowd to take her child to the hospital. “I have got a baby in my car and we have to get to the hospital!” the frustrated mom shouts at a Just Stop Oil activist while pointing to her stalled car. Despite her pleas, the man continued to stand directly in front of her car while other stalled vehicles honked at the crowd to disperse.
Click on this picture to see these jerkoffs in action.

“Move now! Now!” the distressed mother yelled at one activist. She rushed back to her car as other stopped cars honk for the crowd to move, but the orange-vest-clad group maintains the line covering the entire width of the street as they slowly march in protest.


  1. I see human speed bumps, that's it, not humans. But I will admit that they get smoother if you back up a few times.

  2. Isn't that what they call being held without your permission, false imprisonment. Sue , sue , sue.

  3. Henk is right. After a few times the blocking of traffic will stop.

  4. I know one thing for sure and for certain....if it were my child there would be at least one run over motherfucking asshole sorry he didn't heed my request when I asked him to move to begin with....

  5. If someone runs over protestors who are blocking traffic in a medical emergency, and I'm on the jury, there will never be a conviction. But the jury might first send a note to the judge asking if we can hang the prosecutor and any surviving protestors.
