Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Either he's just plain stupid or he's really, really stupid. Oh, well - off to trial he goes...

He did a 180 in court today. Good luck with that.
Read the full article here:


  1. He obviously knows that anything that he is convicted of in federal court , his daddy can pardon him of. Got to get the fucker on a state felony in a state that the governor is a MAGA.

  2. As far as I can tell, the DOJ tried to pull a fast one - writing the deal so Hunter couldn't be prosecuted later for all the things they haven't charged him with yet, but writing it so they can deny that's what they're doing now and let it come out in a later administration. The judge asked for clarification, and suddenly the deal only covers the current charges. So Hunter pleads not guilty for now, and the lawyers go try to rewrite the deal in a way the judge will accept. Maybe he'll plead guilty later, but either he'll still be liable to further charges for other crimes, or the DOJ will have to make it clear to anyone who can read that they're letting him off entirely for a whole lot more than the crimes covered by this case.

  3. I think this Judge looked at the tainted offer and realized several things: 1) she had sentenced a person to prison for gun charges while under drugs like Hunter so If she let Hunter off it would make her look bad, 2) the DOJ tried to slide in future criminal cases to be let off that she had no clue of, 3) Hunter’s legal team tried to interfere with the IRS people talk to Congress and pull the records from Congress. She said no and made several things required of Hunter. Either way if Hunter is convicted his Dad will pardon him so the Judge knows she should protect the law and herself.


Looking forward to 2028 already? Yikes...

DeSantis has made a concerted effort to keep in touch with the people who supported his presidential campaign, including donors and leaders ...