Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Do they need the money that badly - or are they just being assholes...

The New York Post is reporting that, according to them, long gone are the days of spontaneous holidays overseas. Beginning in 2024, the European Union will require visitors to get pre-approval via the European Travel Information and Authorisation System — and that goes for summer jet-setters from the US.
Before securing tickets, lodging, or a reservation at that trendy hotspot you saw on TikTok, vacationers will need to submit an ETIAS application for approximately $8. Applicants will need to provide travel documentation, such as a passport, as well as personal information, education level, current occupation, anticipated trip details, and any criminal convictions. While most applications are processed within minutes, some take longer to yield a decision and the European Union advises visitors to apply “well in advance.” A response is promised within four days but could be extended by 14 to 30 days depending on the circumstance.
Once the authorization is secured, however, it is valid for up to three years or until the visitor’s passport expires.





Judgabooty has been on the job for almost three years and he's only now realizing that the airlines have problems - problems caused by his own Department of Trans-portation when they shut down the airline industry and forced pilots to be vacinated or face termination? It cracks me up how guys like him will always look for someone or something to blame instead of pro-actively looking for ways to solve the problems they see. 
Meanwhile aviation industry experts are predicting that Americans may face another decade of persistent flight cancelations and delays amid a staffing crisis. 

The industry is currently short about 32,000 commercial pilots, mechanics and air traffic controllers, according to an analysis by CBS News. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says his office is now investigating airlines for 'unrealistic scheduling,' or listing more flights than they can staff. Training a pilot can also take two years or longer, and cost more than $100,000. 
At the same time, some current pilots will be forced to retire when they hit the age of 65. This is the first thing they should change...


I could do that as a weekend country gig, no doubt about it. 
That's very cool.  

Both of their products made their debut in Japan...

What kinda secret society bullshit is going on between these two? It's pretty safe 
to assume Obama's still running the West Wing through his proxy dummy...


Tell someone special you love her
for only $ 18.00.
And hurry before they're all gone...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.


Evidently, Ken and his girlfriend have a kinky kinda side gig 
going on down in Ft. Lauderdale. Who knew?

Facebook users (and ex-Facebook users) have one month left 
to claim their piece of a massive $725 million class action lawsuit 
settlement announced earlier this year.
Meta agreed to the payout, but denies any wrongdoing. The deadline 
to file a claim is Aug. 25, 2023. If you file a claim by mail, it has to be postmarked by that date. If you file it online, it needs to be done 
by 11:59 p.m. the night of Aug. 25.
It's free money - go get some. Certainly, your slice ain't gonna be that big, but it's money for nothing and the chics are free. 
Read more about it here:



  1. Buddy Ebson with a double neck Danelectro?.....sweet....

  2. I'm heading to Salzburg and Cesky Krumlov in the next couple weeks. It will be my last trip to Europe. Oh, well; My money spends better in the U.S.

    1. If you get a chance, try the Pitterkeller for a glass of Paracelsus or Zirkelwirt for some Dunkel and good home-cooked food.

    2. In Salzburg, I will look for it. I know the Augustiner Bier Garten is gonna be a very favorite hangout. Thanks!

    3. Consider traveling about 25 miles south of Salzburg to Werfen to see Castle Hohenwerfen (aka Schloss Adler from Where Eagles Dare)

  3. There are probably enough practical things that schools aren't teaching, such as how to do your taxes, balance a checkbook, make a monthly budget, plan a week of meals, etc. But a course on ballroom dancing, etiquette, and manners could all be considered useful life skills.


Good Morning...