Monday, July 10, 2023

Deal with the issues, Ron. Don't go for the personal attacks. Let them do that...

Take this advice from a guy who didn't cast his second vote for President until seven years ago, Ron. 
Forget taking shots at the people who think you're in some kind of a competion with them. You're not. Maybe you don't having that engaging personality that others do, so what. Stick to issues. Take about policies. Take a stand and don't falter. 
This issue is a good one and there's plenty more good solid issues out there you can talk about. Just don't fall for the name-calling childish bullshit others spew. You don't need it. 
Do what I'm suggesting and maybe you'll have a shot. Policy-wise, you're as close to DJT as any of the others could hope to be. Use that and you'll be a better candidate. 'Nuff said...

This is not an endorsement - just a critique...


  1. The real issue is the billionaires picked him to "tamp down the populism in the Republican base." He is !Jeb! all over, even using the same staff.
    The real issue is that the Republican party has betrayed me so many times that I will vote communist before I vote Cuck!

  2. Agreed 100%....DJT cannot keep his mouth shut or his thoughts on topic.....don't be a DJT....if you do this, you have my vote....


I'm not here, but...