Sunday, July 9, 2023

Budweiser is genuinely spinning out of control.

 These fuckin' jerkoffs are now using dead veterans to 
try and sell their beer. Start the full boycott now - 
never drink another Bud anything...

Click on this picture to see the newest ad. 
I really do believe this is just about as 
despicable as it gets...

1 comment:

  1. I am rebuilding an Evolution Harley engine and overdid it yesterday tearing it apart, cleaning the reusable parts, honing the cylinders, and getting it about 80% back together before I realized I had the wrong roller lifters. I am sitting back watching the FX cannel and every third commercial is an Anheuser-Busch commercial, I saw 6 different AB commercials and 3 of them were quite long.

    The local AB distributor laid off my neighbor that drove the delivery truck. He had been working for them since 2008. He got a 14 week severance that started July 1. He is driving a truck for a concrete company and started on the 3rd, had the 4th off then worked Wednesday through Saturday.
