Sunday, June 11, 2023

We knew it all along - why did they lie to us?

Read this story and then tell me why Fauci and the entire staffs 
of the CDC and the WHO shouldn't be in jail?


  1. And all being paid for by Fauxi and the US DOD, to create a weapon for the WEF.

  2. The goals of the globalists require some mechanism. The worldwide masses of immigrants was not an accident. Gadhaffi went to the UN and Told them
    If you take me out, Europe will be over run.
    The Unintended Consequences of NAFTA and every trade agreement that You could foresee? Those were the Goals. The Corona virus was never as deadly as They told us it was. They lied about Ivermectin and Hydroxy chloroquine, because if they admitted there were alternatives, the Jab couldn't have been given the Experimental authorization. If you'll take a minute, and think, is there ANYTHING THEY HAVE DONE that Doesn't screw the people?
    The only way to Always get it wrong, is to want to. Trump made Some good differences, and they were promptly undone as soon as biden was installed.
    It's entirely too obvious. There is nothing to Figure Out. It's Blatantly Obvious.
    Read Agenda 21, Clowerd and Piven,

  3. Is Name The Babe a new comment feature? Great idea. I think this is a still from the great George Peppard film The Blue Max.

  4. Made in Ft. Detrick, MD. Planted in Wuhan during the International Military Games by US soldiers.


I'da said it, but my tongue got tied in knots...

If you can pronounce this Gaelic word (we know what it means, ferfucksake) you're a better man than I, Gungha Din...   Dublin airport. I...