Thursday, June 8, 2023

The GOP 2024 field is getting ugly. And crowded...

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum (as in - who the fuck is this guy and who the fuck is talking to him about this?) has almost no national profile. But as he launched his longshot presidential campaign on Wednesday, he embraced his small-town roots.
“It shouldn’t be a surprise that small-town values have guided me my entire life; small-town values are at the core of America,” he said at an event in his home state announcing his campaign. “And frankly, big cities could use more ideas and more values from small towns right now.”
Politico has coverage of this here:


I dream of a time when politicians will talk about issues and policies and not do this childish schoolyard sniveling bullshit. I might mention that most people like her are miserable fuckwads who have very little good to say about anything or anyone. 
Wanna see what I mean? Take a look at her Twitfeed Why are most Dems so fuckin' angry - and so wrong - about everything?


Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Wednesday he was “wrong” about former President Donald Trump, whom he twice supported and advised ahead of the 2020 election.
“Turns out I was wrong. I couldn’t make him a better candidate and I couldn’t make him a better president, and he disappointed me.”




Around 72,000 migrants have passed through New York City since last spring


Have a birthday or other special event
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The bracelet is only $ 38.00 and that includes free shipping.
Click on the picture for more information.

This is another one of my top ten bars. This is the Caribbean Club shown from the beach side - the back entrance. Famous as a location for the movie Key Largo, it's the oldest bar in the Upper Keys around mile 104 on the southbound side of A1A. They actually have a pretty cool, fairly well put together website. Not bad for what's basically a beachside biker bar. 

I'm still confused. It's been over a year since they 
shitcanned the old lady, and yet we still don't 
have the loving, caring, crime-free society 
they promised us. Did I miss something here?


More than two years into a conservative push against teaching about distortions and lies about black history and gender identity in public schools, the Southern Poverty Law Center has concluded that a dozen so-called "parental rights" groups behind the movement are extremist organizations akin to Nazis
It's a simple concept. If they disagree with you in any way, you must be a fuckin' terrorist. And these are supposedly intelligent people.
It's shameful, really.


Hedy Lamarr - smart and beautiful. Great combination...


  1. THAT'S HEADLY YOU IDIOT. Still one of the greatest movies ever made.

    1. Thank you for this, Mongo will be by shortly.

  2. Hedy is one of my top three babes of the 40's...

  3. If you remember correctly no one gave Trump a snow ball's chance in hell in 2016 either

  4. Been to Caribbean Club before, going to be there again next week.
    Mark in PA

  5. One has to wonder if Christy Creme has ever considered making himself a better candidate.



Another HillBetty delight from Twisted Hillbiily...

Her name is Jessica Barton...