Monday, June 19, 2023

In New York, the State runs your kids - not you. You're only the parent...

Parents have been left furious after schools in New York were told to keep their children's gender identities secret from their families under new guidance (right). The New York State Education Department (left: Commissioner Betty A Rose) released 42 pages of new guidance last week which told schools to 'keep information' about a child's gender identity 'from families if they deem it necessary'
The report also calls for schools to end the practice of separating boys and girls during physical education as it 'marginalizes' transgender and 'gender expansive' students and marks them as 'others'. The guidance has been slammed as 'unacceptable', with Republican Congresswoman Elise Stefanik saying that in New York, parents' rights are 'directly under attack'.

Read this article and you may get a glimpse of what happens when a government is completely out of control:

And yes, I do source a good number of my posts from the Daily Mail, 
because they are one of the very few news sources with 
the balls to present stories without gilding or masking the truth.


  1. Remember all that "it takes a village" bullshit a few years back? Well, this is what happens when the village takes control of your kids.

  2. I wonder how many of these outraged parents voted for dickwad Coumo and Commie Hochul or any other Dems?


After all that woke nonsense, what did we gain?

Absolutely not a fuckin' thing, but we did manage  to  have a great woman erased from history by idiots...      The branding of the syru...