Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Why don't they just send them back? I don't get it...

CNN - New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced Friday the city 
will ship willing migrants to other neighboring New York communities ahead of a surge of migrants expected to arrive in the city following the expiration of Title 42 next week.
Adams said the new program “will provide up to four months of temporary sheltering in nearby New York counties, outside of New York City, to single-adult men seeking asylum who are already in the city’s care.”
The program will launch with two hotels located in the small hamlets of Orange Lake and Orangeburg, with the potential to expand, the mayor said. Adams’ spokesperson, Fabien Levy, told CNN there is capacity for up to three hundred migrants between the two hotels initially, with the potential to “expand.”
Just one week ago he was begging other states to stop bussing people in to the city. Now he's gonna be busing them out, but still footing the bill? Why not just haul their asses back to Whahaka or wherever the fuck they came from and be done with it? Juss' sayin'...


I hate to admit that it took me a good solid minute 
to figure out why this post was made. Too many 
farmasuiticals back in the 60's I  think.

Where we are now versus where we were back when. Customers at a London 
music store listen to the latest record releases in speaker listening booths (1955).



Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak has warned that artificial intelligence could be used by “bad actors” and make it harder to spot scams and misinformation. Wozniak, who was one of Apple’s co-founders with the late Steve Jobs and invented the company’s first computer, said AI content should be clearly labelled, and called for regulation for the sector.
If it was enacted as law, 3/4's of the people in Washington would have to be labeled. Think about it.

This is the first official portrait of England's new king - Charles III. 
Looks like he's trying out for a reboot of the Village People.


Avtar Singh Mauni, the proud owner of the world’s longest and heaviest turban. Weighing in at 100 pounds with a length 700 yards, it takes Avtar 6 hours to put it on. This iain't no anti-India rant, but imagine what that fuckin' guy - and his house - must smell like. Jeez friggin' Lousie...

You realize, of course, that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people out there who do nothing else but try to find things that are fucked up or are changing, and blame it all on 'climate change'. You know that, don'tcha? This one cracks me the fuck up.
Frogs in Puerto Rico are croaking at a higher pitch due to global heating, scientists have said they have found. The frogs appear to be decreasing in size at warmer temperatures, which causes their croaks to become high pitched. If the trends continue, the heat could become too much for the sensitive amphibians to survive successfully, researchers have said.
The call of the coquí frog is well known to most who have spent time in Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands. It is named for its two-note call “co-qui”, which rings out throughout the island every night. I remember it well - it is a very cool sound.

Male coquí frogs use their distinctive call to mark their territory and warn off rivals, but scientists have noticed that it is changing -because of 'Climate change'. Honest to god how the fuck could they know that for certain?


Mother's Day is this Sunday.
You still have time to
 get her something nice...

Click on the picture above for information on these earrings.
 You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

Click on this picture to read the article.

This is Napoleon's Casket on public display in Paris. 
I thought they didn't like the guy?

Can you imagine being so desperate for an anti-Trump story 
that you'd go THIS far for it?

That's how far Newsweek was willing to go. Sad, really.




  1. NYC Mayer Adams neglected to tell nearby Rockland County NY that he intended to ship a bunch of illegals there to the Armoni Hotel in Orangeburg, which Rockland would then have to pay the support costs for. NYC has some kind of rental agreement with the place. Rockland County Executive Ed Day said GTH, and declared a county state of emergency. This temporarily negates the contract NYC had with the low rent hotel, stopping them from accepting the 341 people NYC was going to send, which would fill the entire hotel. But that wasn't enough, so Day sicced the building code people on the hotel, found numerous violations, and I believe shut the place down.

    At this point Orange County, just north of Rockland, is also saying NO, and Westchester County, just north of NYC, is "waiting to be contacted".

    Behold the power of NIMBY.


  2. I don't think your version of that Archie cover would have been approved by the Comics Code Authority. But I do like the idea of Betty as dessert.


  3. like you, I have no idea why they are putting them up in hotels when they all should be sent back to whatever shit hole country they came from. like why are you bussing them anywhere INSIDE the states ? send them back !
    even if you flew them back, it is still cheaper than a couple of weeks in some damn hotel !
    we need to just stop all of it. no water, no food, housing and medical care (??) just ship them back the cheapest way we can. and if the plane or boat sinks of crashes , oh, well. never should have come here in the first place. another good idea would be to go after all of the people that make this happen. arrest them.
    fine the shit out of them. toss them in prison. but do something to stop it. dave in pa.

  4. So , Kathy Griffin admits that she took money from a man she didn't care for, and subsequently satisfied one of his needs .
    Isn't that the definition of a whore ?

  5. Hopefully Charles remembers to only count to three before throwing the Holy Handgrenade of Antioch at his enemies to smite them.

  6. Good riddance to those fucking frogs....useless little. loud ass, bothersome little assholes....I had to get a room at the Hilton on the 17th floor to get away from those little fuckers....and the French can't stand Napoleon, but they love his casket....


On the beach in Port Noo