Monday, May 1, 2023

When you're a political nobody, how do you make your bones? You attack a legit 'somebody'...

Don't bother talking about policy or strategy - 
fuck that. Just throw mud...
Republican presidential wannabe candidates who don't either have a prayef of advancing, Asa Hutchinson and Vivek Ramaswamy (and who the fuck is this guy?), on Sunday both took swipes at Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) over his dealings with Disney, as talk of a possible 2024 bid for the Florida governor swirls.
“I don’t like what Disney said about the legislation that I would have supported in Florida, but it’s not the role of government to punish a business when you disagree with what they’re saying or a position that they take,” Hutchinson, the former governor of Arkansas, said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” 

“If that was the view of a Republican, then we’re going to be in all kinds of trouble in our businesses in blue states if they start punishing businesses for taking a more conservative speech or position.” 
Okay, Asa, here's a question: Can you name two businesses in this country that take conservetive positions on anything? Anywhere?


  1. Let's face it Joe, when Trump ran in the 2016 GOP primary he slung more mud than anyone. The way he went after McCain's legacy and Cruz's wife was way over the top

    1. Not to mention what he did to Carly Fiorini....I voted for Trump because I can't stomach hitlery, but that was enough for me to vote for Cruz in the primary....


It's not Groundhog Day again, is it?

New York Post - A crazed groundhog set its sights on a fallen jogger in  New Jersey, only to be thwarted by a quick-thinking teen.The hogwil...