Tuesday, May 2, 2023

When nothing else works, make it about race. God, what a hateful world we live in...

Mayor Eric Adams rebuked Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday 
after learning that the border state would resume busing asylum-seekers to New York and other major cities run by Black mayors.
“Not only is this behavior morally bankrupt and devoid of any concern for the well-being of 'asylum seekers', but it is also impossible to ignore the fact that Abbott is now targeting five cities run by Black mayors,” the Democratic mayor said in a statement.


  1. New York State and City was deemed a "sanctuary" for illegals by their politicos so why not send them there. Makes sense to me.

  2. Hate to tell you this, Mayor Adams, but you, not Texas Governor Abbott, are the racist. See, you wanna use illegal immigration to help destroy our country. You wanted takers instead of makers. That's racist. Too bad you became a victim of the very methods you endorsed. You hate President Trump more than you love America. You would rather see America lose everything than see President Trump win anything. So don't cry. Man up. Do your part to strengthen, not weaken, America. Demand an immediate stop to illegal immigration.

  3. He is not targeting cities with black mayors, he is targeting cities run by idiots.

  4. No more immoral than shipping the illegals to red cities, so STFU you Sanctuary City Mayor you.

  5. mr adams. i do seem to recall you mentioning nyc was a sanctuary city.

  6. No comments on why black-run cities were the ONLY ONES who declared themselves to be "sanctuary cities?"

  7. Biden and company are the ones to blame. The Dems want all the illegals they can stuff into the country for their own benefit. That is power and control.


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