Monday, May 22, 2023

Waking up with an ear worm...

 Dreams are dangerous sometimes. I woke up with this playing over and over in my head...  

Reminds me of Friday nights at the Skating Rink in Branch Brook Park back in the day.  



Target has gone off the Bud Light cliff with a new line of 'tuck-friendly bathing suits 'for women'. As if a line of LGBT pride merchandise for kids and babies wasn’t enough to make people say “C’mon guys, reel it in a little,” make way for the “tuck-friendly” swimsuit.
Comedian Christie Mayr - who recently told some very funny Dylan Mulvaney jokes that made some humorless ladies mad - found one of these tuck-friendly swimsuits for herself.
“No real woman would be caught dead in that swimsuit, it’s hideous. It’s exactly what a dude pretending to be a woman would wear,” Mayr told Fox News Digital. “The only thing I’ll be tucking is my money back into my wallet and shopping elsewhere. What an obnoxious virtue signal from Target. And it’s not even June yet.”

I had no idea that the Smithsonian even had a dead parrot collection. I imagine there's a guy in a back room somewhere down there who spends his dies mummifying the birds. THAT is a sick fuckin' way top make a living, Bubba...

My vegetable garden back in Jersey...




There's always something somewhere to 
worry about if you try hard enough...

El Nino is on the horizon, which can lead to severe heat waves and droughts in many countries, including India, and could take a $3 trillion toll on the global economy, new research published in the journal Science has warned.
El Nino, the band of warm ocean water that spans from South America to Asia triggering far-reaching weather changes, has persistently reduced country-level economic growth, attributing $4.1 trillion and $5.7 trillion in global income losses to the 1982-83 and 1997-98 events, respectively.
The 2023 El Nino is predicted to come at a time when sea-surface temperatures are at an all-time high.

How long ya figure it takes this guy to stop moving?


While I'm still here, I might as well try
 and help my wife sell some jewelry.

Need to find a nice gift for a special someone 
who might be a cat lover?

Click on the picture above for information on this item.

You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or 
your girlfriend right here: 

This may be a subject you guys aren't too familiar with but I've been aware of it for the last 30 or so years, going back to 'the troubles' in the 80's. I'm not taking sides one way or another because I don't have any real skin in the game since my brother TJ passed away, but I've always thought the idea of two Irelands on one island was kinda stupid. So I guess that makes me a Unionist. Go figure...

A large array of solar panels and wind mills one hour north of Los Angeles in Kern county, near Mojave, California. California has more solar and wind  power generation than any other state - or country - in the world. Their avowed plan is to have 35% of the State's power generated this way by 2035. Right now it's at 4%. Good luck with that.


U.S tech giant Meta has been hit with a record €1.2 billion fine for 
not complying with the EU’s privacy rulebook. The Irish Data Protection Commission announced on Monday that Meta violated the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when it shuttled troves of personal data of European Facebook users to the United States without sufficiently protecting them from Washington's data surveillance practices.
It's the largest fine imposed under the bloc's flagship General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) privacy law and it comes on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the law's enforcement on May 25.





  1. I never thought I'd ever hear/see the phrase 'tuck-friendly bathing suits 'for women' in my lifetime.

  2. I am originally from California, born in the late 50s. The largest Wind Farms are in the Altamont Pass and have been there for decades but many do not work and all that work kill birds on their migrations north-south. Many solar farms have been built, die, and the equipment gets removed. All Wind Farm and Solar Farm equipment is toxic. Me, my wife and kids left to the east in 96. Many of our family have left but some still is in the state. They are having brownouts during the summer and it will get worse as they have eliminated all but one of their Nuclear Plants.

  3. I'm over here in the YooKay, not the most obvious place for Green Energy. As I type this, the UK's electricity demand is supplied from ... Coal-0%, Gas-29%, Nuclear-16%, Solar-17%, Wind-38%. So, California's targets seem achievable, tho' conditions do vary daily and seasonally.

  4. So I live i a triangle of warm wet dry trifecta with a heavy waffle house twist. Seems the best of all worlds as long as your shoes do not stick to the floor.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...