Wednesday, May 10, 2023

There are things like this that bother you as much as they bug me, right?

According to The Independent and  The Wall Street Journal, tipping practices in the United States have changed dramatically since the onset of the pandemic, and the next area of change appears to be tipping in self-checkout lines.
American customers these days are being prompted to leave tips in self-checkout lines at airports, grocery stores, stadiums, and cafes - leaving customers unsure who exactly their genorosity would benefit.
Prompts for tips in self-checkout lines are an example of “tip creep,” a phenomenon that has seen companies prompting customers to leave more sizable tips in more transactional situations since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic more than three years ago.
I am and always have been at least a 20% tipper when the service is good. If it's really good or she's really cute, I'm up at 25%. No problem. If the service sucks and the server has an attitude, no matter how big the bill is, they get a buck. Uno fuckin' peso.

My number ONE bugaboo about tipping happens when the waiter/bartender picks up your bill and your cash and says 'Do you need change?' assuming everything there is for him/her. My immediate response is 'Now I do' and they go to 15% flat. 
Instead, the server should say 'I'll be right back with your change' and give me the option of telling them to keep it (or not). Much more appropriate.



We 'played war' with toys when we were kids and nobody got hurt - except that one time when Billy Maver fell out of Mr. Van Houten's cherry tree and broke his arm. These scumbags today do it for real with real weapons and kill innocent strangers as their personal death wishes.

Another beautiful pic of my old parish church.
I'd forgotten how big it was...


Country Singer James McMurtry performed in a dress in Florida last week 'protesting anti-drag legislation'.
I guess it's okay with him if drag queens tell his grandkids their bedtime stories. Wonder how that'll work out for his career? Juss' sayin'...

Yup. That's me. Pretty much exactly 50 years ago to the day. Holy shit.
... - When Dolly Parton said she was going to "earn" her place in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, doggone it, she meant it. Last year, despite her protestations, Parton was inducted into the Rock Hall, and, clad in leather, shredded some electric guitar to her original tune "Rockin'." That song didn't make the final cut of her upcoming album Rockstar — but 30 other tracks did.
A mix of nine original songs and 21 bona fide rock classics, Parton's Rockstar will 'rock your fucking acrylic nails off' when it's released Nov. 17. It will be available as a four-LP set, a two-CD set, a digital download, and on all streaming services.


Doesn't it strike you that every time you turn around it seems these people are fucking up somehow?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is recalling more than 500,000 COVID-19 SD Biosensor, Inc. Pilot COVID-19 At-Home Tests due to safety concerns, according to the agency. The FDA has found that the liquid solution in the test kits may be contaminated with bacteria. These are the test kits that they've been pushing on us - for 'free' for the last year.




Mother's Day is this Sunday.
You still have time to
 get her something nice
if you order by tomorrow...

Click on the picture above for information on these earrings.
 If these aren't her 'cup of tea', you can find something else nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 



  1. What a shame about McMurtry....Choctaw Bingo is one of my favorites...what a dumbass....Dolly's got some great looking legs there, unless that's photo shopped....

  2. Tipping is certainly out of control and this is coming from someone who was in the business for over 40 years and still kind of am. The rule of thumb used to be that you just tipped the food portion of the bill not taxes or alcohol. That went to the wayside years back already,now if you don't tip your entire bill you get looked at like a pariah. Also with the skyrocketing food prices you're pretty much are double tipping what you tipped as little as a year ago. We have a Chinese restaurant that opened near us about 2 years ago, they add 18% to everything you purchase automatically. They have a beautiful bar and if you're not tabbing it you'll get pennies back in your change. You know what, I'm fine with that. I was fine with the over tipping after the Covid nonsense because these people who work in the business really took a beating,but now it's completely out of control, every time I see a tip cup at place like a Dunkin Donuts I want to swat it off of the counter. If the owners don't step up and stop this crap real soon the public is going to swing around the other way and completely stop tipping. And Joe as far as a bartender taking your money and trying to get you to leave all of your change without giving you a chance to tip, that crap is the norm in Manhattan

  3. One of the most famous and instantly recognizable men in the world goes into a department store, rather than have an underling shop for him, is totally overlooked by the staff and shopping public, wanders into the women's clothing section, steps into the changing room, accosts a woman who makes no ruckus on being surprised, while being groped, or immediately after the man leaves; the man leaves the store totally unseen by anyone, and the woman waits years to make an accusation with absolutely zero evidence .

    Yeah, that happened .


Good Morning...