Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Raquel rockin' it for the troops in 'Nam...

Raquel Welch  performing for the Troops in Vietnam. 
This was on Bob Hope's USO Christmas Tour in 1967.
You can watch the entire show - including her - here:


  1. I was at his show in Danang in 1967 and saw her there! I have a few pictures I took from the side of the stage as the ladies were waiting to on on stage. Thanks for bringing back the memories!

  2. served with a MSG who thought the world of her. he was a young kid lying in a hospital when she came thru.
    he said she held his hand and asked him some questions, smiled and was very nice to him.
    it was the only time I ever saw the old bastard smile in the early 1980's. was he was thinking of her.
    that man would do anything for her. dave in pa.

  3. The antithesis of Jane Fonda....what a line there'll be to piss on THAT grave...
